Being targeted

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Bruno regained consciousness, sitting on the sofa, he wiped his face, looking perplexedly at Mary Etta and Brandon.

"I believe there's a more refined method than bluntly shattering my reverie."

"Efficiency is paramount for businessmen."

Brandon handed him the remaining water from the cup. Bruno gulped it down, dispersing the sticky sensation in his mouth.

With a bit more vigor, Bruno regarded them with surprise. "When did you two meet?"

"We haven't met," they answered in unison. Then, simultaneously, they added, "Our meeting this time pertains to business."

Observing Mary Etta's reaction to Bruno's words, Brandon deduced she must be someone Bruno knew. Sensing his gaze, Mary Etta met it head-on, unflinchingly.

This uncanny understanding made Bruno question if he was still inebriated.

Shaking his head and pinching his ears, he confirmed everything was real.

"Very well, who shall proceed first?"

Bruno gestured toward the bedroom, indicating the next participant for their discussion to accompany him.

He usually rested and imbibed in the living room, while the bedroom remained comparatively tidy. Direct communication also minimized the risk of disclosing sensitive information to others.

Without dispute, Mary Etta stepped forward. However, she made no move toward the bedroom.

"Let's converse here."

"That's acceptable. State your requirements," Bruno said, retrieving pen and paper to document the case intake, disregarding Brandon's presence. Since the employer raised no objections, Bruno saw no reason to exclude Brandon.

Seating herself opposite Bruno at the table, Mary began, "I require you to track and investigate an individual with grave criminal suspicions."

The scratching of Bruno's pen filled the air, with a brief pause before he looked up. "But you're a law enforcement officer. Should you witness a crime, you can apprehend him immediately."

Brandon, feeling unrelated to the matter, faced the door, waiting.

Mary Etta's voice persisted, "It's merely suspicion, and on that day, I was patrolling outside, missing the opportunity for interrogation. By the time I returned to the sheriff's office, his case had been closed. Moreover, the individual is a prominent local figure, deterring others from confronting him. To unravel the truth, private action is now required."

"You are indeed diligent,"

Bruno remarked, running his hand through his straw-like hair. He was accustomed to this sheriff's sense of justice. "So, do you have any personal information about him to share?"

"He's named Brandon·Alderfer, running an antique shop in the Saint Morde Parish. Black hair, green eyes, with a goatee. Approximately thirty years old..."

Bruno's pen halted.

He was now convinced that neither Brandon nor Mary knew each other.

Meanwhile, by the door, Brandon's breathing grew heavier. He never anticipated this female sheriff had hired Bruno to investigate him.

His previous delivery of the surveillance operative's body to the sheriff's office had indeed raised suspicion.

"...I need you to tail him for two weeks. If anything unusual arises, record it and report back to me. Maintain your distance and refrain from trespassing into his residence for investigation. This individual is extremely dangerous and skilled in combat. If he detects you, he might find a pretext for justifiable self-defense, eliminating you as a private detective, and fabricate nonexistent crimes against you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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