Chapter 27

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Phaya POV

"Move!!" Phaya said to his members before separating themselves.

Phaya's team moved together with him as he yelled. The group moves with their guns as the first team mission begins. It was a mission where leaders and their teams were selected, and the first one to save the hostages and find the files that have all the information for the next mission will be the winner.

"We have to find the hostages; the faster the better. We will defuse the bomb by division."

"Khem, you will lead the others. You have to find all the bombs and defuse them."

"Everyone!! Make sure to be in contact for any information you can get," Phaya said loudly as he looked at his team members with seriousness.

Although it was just training, he knew that this situation can happen in real life, and being conscious and careful about the steps they take is a must.

In reality, as an officer, you have to make sure that all your steps are carefully planned, because their actions can define the outcome they will get. The more conscious you are, the more people you can save.

The others know how serious it is, so everyone was serious. They know how to follow orders and understand the seriousness of the situation, which makes Phaya relieved.

Seeing that everyone understood him, Phaya started to move. He understands his role. A leader should know how to lead his people in the most effective and efficient ways.

As they moved to their first destination, Phaya finally signaled two of his members to move, which they understood immediately.

The place was dark and wet. It was a forest. You can realize that this place is a good hideout to do criminal things like their first mission. Phaya's team slowly moves until Phaya is the only one left.

With conscious yet brave movement, Phaya moved to one place without his members. It was a dark place with a long corridor. Knowing the danger, Phaya moves slowly and with careful steps.

A light sound coming from the rain was heard, but in this quiet place, a light sound can be heard clearly. Honestly, his current situation was eerie, but knowing Phaya, he was not scared at all; instead, he felt the excitement and the anxiety. Then, finally, a soft breath was heard as Phaya moved forward in one of the dark rooms. Phaya raised his gun and carefully moved forward, and with his silent steps, he finally reached the dark room.

He slowly opened the door, where he met a man wearing an all-black mask and carrying a gun similar to his.

Seeing Phaya, the man with the mask raised his arm and aimed at him, but luckily, with his fast reflexes, he successfully avoided it by moving to the side. The man shot him multiple times, and with the right timing, Phaya moved from his hideout and raised his guns to aim at the man, who was successfully shot.

As he saw the man lying on the ground, Phaya carefully saw a woman who was being tied to the chair with a tired and shriveled look on her. The woman looked at him with helplessness, and Phaya finally moved to untie her. He called his teammates for backup, and finally one of his members came and took her into their hideout.

"How's the other?" Phaya asks his teammate for updates.

"One group detonates the bomb. One group also finds one of the hostages."

"Good. Take her to a safe place. Make sure to be vigilant and agile. Tell others to update me if they find the place."

After saying that, Phaya heard his walkie-talkie.

"Files. Mastermind. Second building. 3rd floor. Over!"

Hearing the message, Phaya responded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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