The Map

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3rd person pov

"Lorelei!" Angelica smiled coming into her daughters soon

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"Lorelei!" Angelica smiled coming into her daughters soon

Lorelei groaned as her mom opened the curtains letting in the light, "First day back, get up and get ready" she said before leaving

"Mom, i'll cry!" Lorelei yelled once she noticed her mom didn't close the door

"oh, my God" her mom laughed before shutting the door, "i love you"

"love you more, Lorelei"

Lorelei was dressed in a black and gray skirt with a slit on the side, a black crop top, and black heeled boots, her hair was pinned back in a half up, half down with a black bow

She grabbed her bag before making her way downstairs, "Need a ride?" her brother asked looking at her

"Nope, Missy and Sasha are here" she replied grabbing a banana, "love you, bye!" she yelled

"Love you more!" her brother yelled as she shut the door

"Happy first day back!" Sasha yelled smiling at her, "i've missed it so much" she said sarcastically as she got into the car

"You look hot, Lor" Missy smirked looking back at her

"I can say the same for you, Missy" Lorelei winked

"Stop flirting and drive" Sasha laughed looking between the two girls

The three girls sang their heart out as they made their way to get Harper, but she didn't answer her phone or come outside

So they went to grab Amerie, "Happy first day back!" Sasha yelled as Lorelei smiled 

"You look like a child you got their candy stolen" Lorelei added as Amerie was walking over to the car

"Where's Harper?" Amerie asked looking at he four girls

"Bitch wasn't outside her out. Didnt answer her phone" Sasha said passing Amerie her coffee

"Weird. I haven't heard from her since the festival last week" Amerie sighed as Missy drove off to school

The car stopped as Amerie looked over seeing a car of guys from a private school, "Nice car, Centrelink" the one in the back smirked looking at them as the three boys laugh

Amerie smiled before she threw her coffee at him, "What the fuck!" he yelled wiping tea off his face

"Fuck!" the boy yelled as the four girls were laughing

"Sluts!" they yelled

"Rapist!" Amerie sing sang as Missy drove off ignoring the cars honking at her, as the four girls were laughing loudly

The four girls arrived at school, Lorelei stepped out of the car as Missy put her arm around her waist

"I forgot how much i hated it here" Sasha said linking her arm with Amerie

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