Lee Felix settles in South Korea and makes new friends with whom he has amazing adventures.
-Lixie... let's get some privacy... - Hwang whispered quietly to Lix, at the same time tenderly and passionately kissing him on the ear, which gave him goose...
News of JYP oppa's wedding thundered throughout South Korea. Still would! After all, Caroline was the only woman in South Korea!!! The women of South Korea did not want to reproduce and died out. Like mammoths and dinosaurs((.
And so, Caroline personally compiled the menu, chose rings and outfits.
For this wedding, 3Racha wrote the song «Matryoshka». Felixhad the great honor of to give with gold wedding rings on a black velvet pillow. Chris was supposed to be the best man and friend of the bride, since Caroline didn't really know anyone in Korea.
The FlashBack
Channie came to the huge mansion of JYP, with whom they agreed to meet to discuss upcoming plans for concerts and the like. But JYP was not at home. Caroline Torimar opened the door for him.
-Oh, come in, Channie, annyong, - she cooed and, taking Chan by the hand, pulled him inside the house. -Wait a little, my dear oppa will appear now.
-Annyong, - Chan came in. He looked at Caroline with curiosity. «How strange these women are», - he thought.
Like a hospitable hostess, Caroline began to look for something to treat Chris.
-Will you have some vodka? Salt Salo*? Pickles cucumbers? I made dumplings - oppa loves them very much.
-I guess I won't refuse, - Chan was interested in trying vodka - he had never drunk it before.
Caroline set the table and they each drank a glass. «Strange taste. What kind of hellish potion is this?» - Chan thought, choking, tears welling up in his eyes. Caroline laughed. They had a bite. Carolina's dumplings were very tasty. Magnificent, juicy and smooth. They drank a little more. Channie tried pickles and lard. Delicious too! Another glass. Then Channie noticed a cabinet with glass doors, and on the shelves there were figurines and some kind of figures. Curious! He went to look at the cute little painted dolls.
-What is this? - Chan asked.
-This is my collection of Matryoshkas',** - Torimar answered proudly. – I've been collecting since childhood. Here look.
She opened the cabinet and took out several matryoshkas. She started opening the figures. The matryoshkas opened up, and each one contained a smaller matryoshka. Some had 3, and some had 5 or 7, and even about 30 matryoshkas. In general, a lot.
This is how Channie learned the second Russian word (the first was vodka).
Then the front door slammed and footsteps were heard in the hall. Park Jinyoung appeared at the door, and Caroline, jumping up and laughing joyfully, fell into his arms...
Who would have thought that in his old age, JYP would finally find his Love!
The End of the FlashBack.
And finally, the wedding day of Park Jinyoung, JYP-oppa, and Caroline Torimar has arrived.
A great many people were invited, and even more came to gawk at such an unusual, incredible, solemn event. Reporters and paparazzi scurried around, clicking cameras. All Korean TV channels gathered here. And even reporters from abroad arrived to cover such a significant event.
As a sign that they are not only eternal lovers, but also eternal soulmates, Park and Torimar wore matching outfits. JYP looked great in a fluffy white wedding dress. Caroline had the same gorgeous wedding dress.
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