Chapter 12

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Next Morning after Emily's Birthday

In the kitchen, Isabella Russo, Emily's mother, moved about gracefully, preparing breakfast with a smile on her face. Francesco Russo, her husband and the formidable ex-don of the Italian mafia, sat at the head of the table, scanning the morning newspaper.

Francesco: "Bella, how's our little princess doing today?"

Isabella: "She's still asleep, Francesco. Must've tired herself out with all the excitement yesterday."

Francesco: "She's a spitfire, just like her mother."

Isabella chuckled softly as she cracked eggs into a bowl. Meanwhile, Lorenzo, the eldest Russo son, entered the kitchen, looking more awake than usual.

Lorenzo: "Morning, Ma, Pa. Any coffee left for your favorite son?"

Francesco: "Depends. Have you checked on your sister yet?"

Lorenzo rolled his eyes playfully before pouring himself a cup of coffee. Just then, Elijah strolled in, a medical bag slung over his shoulder.

Elijah: "Morning, everyone. Anyone need a check-up before I head out?"

Francesco: "Just your brother's sanity, perhaps."

Lorenzo: "Ha ha, very funny, Dad."

As the family banter continued, Alessandro, the third oldest, entered the room, sporting fresh tattoos peeking out from under his sleeves.

Alessandro: "Morning, familia. How's everyone feeling today?"

Isabella: "Just fine, dear. Emily's still asleep if you're wondering."

Alessandro grinned, pouring himself a glass of orange juice before taking a seat at the table.

Alessandro: "I'll go check on her after breakfast. Want to see her reaction to the tattoo I got yesterday."

Isabella shot him a disapproving look, but the corners of her lips twitched with amusement.

Isabella: "Just don't wake her up too abruptly, Alessandro."

Meanwhile, Alexander and Xavier, the twins, barged into the kitchen, roughhousing and laughing as they always did.

Xavier: "Morning, folks! What's for breakfast?"

Isabella: "Sit down, both of you. Breakfast will be ready soon enough."

The twins complied, taking their seats with exaggerated sighs of impatience. Leonardo, followed behind them, lost in thought.

Leonardo: "Morning, everyone. Did you know that the average human dream lasts for about 2 to 3 seconds?"

The room fell silent for a moment before Lorenzo shook his head, chuckling.

Lorenzo: "Only you would know something like that, Leo."

Before anyone else could respond, Matteo, the studious musician, entered, a book tucked under his arm.

Matteo: "Morning, everyone. Is there any chance of a peaceful breakfast today?"

Francesco: "Not with this lot, I'm afraid."


After a hearty breakfast and some lively chatter, the Russo family dispersed to tackle the day's tasks and responsibilities. Francesco retreated to his study to attend to business matters, Isabella disappeared into her home office to catch up on some paperwork for her clandestine operations, and the older brothers set out to their respective jobs and duties.

Emily, their little princessWhere stories live. Discover now