Chapter 7: One step to love

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It has been 2 weeks since that Chaotic incident happened, and i have been avoiding both Lance and Xander Butlers.

"Tianna!" Shouted my Chemistry teacher

" oh I'm sorry Sir, what were you saying" i said realizing even though I'm present in the moment physical, mentally I'm else where.

The whole class giggled, and Alexa is giving me that resting bitch face.

" i was saying congratulations on scoring the highest on the chemistry test once more" he said as he gave me my paper

Honestly i wasn't surprised for i love chemistry.

" Hey, what did you do to my man" said Alexa as she came close to me

" I'm sorry i don't follow" i said even though i knew she was talking about Lance

"Listen egg girl, quit tryna get his attention cause he doesn't need you, he wants me. That fight was a mistake he was drunk. How could you get so low" she said on the top of her voice

" listen Alexa! So what if i was inlove with Lance it's natural, how could that be a low thing. But one thing I'll never do is fight you for him cause he ain't worth my time. You two deserve each other. Now move" i said on the top of my voice as i stepped pass her and bumped into a frim chest.

" Tianna can we talk?"

I looked up and was met with his hazel green eyes

" Do me a favor and move out my way" i said as walked pass him.

That probably was the harshest i have ever  been to Lance, and i don't regret it.

Here i am walking the halls of the school, with all eyes on me once more. Having two boys fighting over you is a big deal as a teenager worst if they are white boys and you are a black girl.

" Tianna!" I heard my name echoed in the halls, as everyone stood still looking at me

Xander and Lance both called my name, but in different directions.

" so who are you going to run to" said a random kid in the crowd as all eyes where on me.

I felt awkward, like all the walks were closing in on me so i ran towards the exit determined to run home.

I just wanted to escape that place and those people.

* Incoming call from an unknown number *

I answered, and was shocked through my body

" don't hang up, just hear me out. I'm sorry and you won't believe me i know it. My actions were very immature. Tianna I'm sorry i hurt you" he said with a crack in his voice which almost made me tear up

" Lance, i forgave you a long time ago. I just don't want to see you ever again" i said as he got quiet

" you don't mean that, Tiana honestly if i could go back in time i would. I-I know that i wasn't the nicest person to you that's because i was scared " he said with another crack in his voice

" scared of what Lance, what possible could you be scared off" i said as i stopped walking .

He sighed and hanged up

I was not surprised, that's all he does, run from problems thinking it will solve his problems.

I don't even know where i am.

" hello there, you must be Tianna " said a female voice

Wow I'm that popular

" hi, how may i help you" i said to the beautiful woman

" He never drinks, and that day when he came home drunk with a swollen face with Xander bearly could get him to stand up straight, i was surprised" said the strange lady

Wow Xander, took him home after he beated him up. Their bond must be inseparable.

" who are you" i asked

" I'm Nancy, i am the Butlers housekeeper" she said with a beautiful smile

She's too pretty to be a housekeeper. She should be a model.

" i see why they like you, you remind me off their mom you look just like her" she said as she sat beside me

" how is that possible when I'm black and they are basically white" i said all confused

" Lance and Xander birth mom wanted nothing to do with them so she left them all to their father he later got married to a beautiful woman who mothered them as if they were her own, she died 3 years ago from cancer. They haven't recovered from that neither has their dad" she said in a sad voice

I did not know what to say , i was shocked and speechless.

" Lance, he felt the impact more for he loved his mom. He was always baking with her, going horse riding even cooking, while Xander on the other hand was more of a dads boy he's always in the work shop he loved his mom too. " she said with the warmest smile on her face as tears rush down her face.

" I'm sorry," i said as i gave her warm hug

" it's ok Tianna, you know he couldn't stop talking about you ever since he met you. I remembered when he came home from school it was his first day, and he was like, Nancy i met someone and she's the most beautiful girl i have ever seen, she smells like chicken and cookies." She said as we both laughed

" he talks about me, i didn't know that" i said as she held my hands

" Tianna go easy on him. I know this isn't excuse to what he had done and how he treated you but he's having a hard time and you are the only thing that makes him easy, don't tell him we have this conversation" she said as she hugged me and left

I feel like an idiot. How could I not see that he's having a hard time.

" Tianna!" Said a voice from a far.

I looked around only see Lance running towards me.

It felt like a scene from a romantic movie until he fell. Of course, i laughed

" are you ok" i asked as I held out my hands offering to help him up.

He then pull me to the ground, and i was now on top of him. He embraced me with a huge hug. Heat waves traveled through my body.

" Tianna, I'm very sorry, but i can never not see you again, i can't stay away from you even if I try. " he said as he continued to hug me

" it's ok , you don't have to" i said as i rolled off to the ground right beside him

" so that means, we are cool" he said as he turned and looked me in the eyes

" yes we are cool" i said realizing our heads are inches away from each other

He came closer, i closed my eyes thinking he was going to kiss me.

" Let's go some where" he said as he stood to his feet.

" where?" I asked tryna hide how embrassed i was.

" to my favorite place" he said as we began walking

What Nancy told me made me look at Lance from a different angle. I now understand why he treated me like that and his cold behavior towards me, maybe i do . Until he is ready to open up I'll continue to be right by his side.

Authors note: hey bookers, sorry for the late chapter. Hope you enjoy reading. I'll see you in the next one

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