Blind rage

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In the depths of the mind, blind rage resides,
A tempest unleashed, where reason hides.
Taste it? Like bile rising in the throat,
A bitter venom, choking with each note.

It sounds like thunder crashing in the sky,
A primal roar, as reason says goodbye.
The deafening silence before the storm,
A crescendo of fury, taking form.

And what does it look like, this beast untamed?
Eyes ablaze with a fire unclaimed.
A visage contorted, twisted with hate,
As blind rage consumes, sealing fate.

The scent of it hangs heavy in the air,
Like smoke from a fire, too fierce to bear.
A scent that burns the nostrils, stinging and raw,
A warning of the fury, ready to gnaw.

Feel it? Like a volcano ready to erupt,
A seething anger, impossible to disrupt.
A pounding heartbeat, pounding in the ears,
As blind rage consumes, drowning all fears.

And in the end, blind rage is a tempest unleashed,
A force of destruction, leaving souls breached.
A whirlwind of chaos, a torrent of pain,
Leaving nothing but wreckage, in its disdain.

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