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In the vast expanse of under-stimulation, emptiness resides,
A void of sensation where boredom abides.
Taste it? Like flavorless air, devoid of spice,
A dullness that numbs, offering no entice.

It sounds like the echo of a distant hum,
A monotone drone, where excitement's gone numb.
The silence of stillness, quiet and cold,
A void of stimulation, leaving stories untold.

And what does it look like, this absence of thrill?
A blank canvas, waiting for colors to spill.
Eyes searching, but finding nothing to see,
Lost in a landscape of monotony.

The scent of it is faint, barely there,
Like the memory of a fragrance, lost to the air.
A scent that fades into the background, unremarkable and bland,
A reminder of the absence of excitement, at hand.

Feel it? Like sinking into a bottomless pit,
A sense of ennui, where excitement doesn't fit.
A sluggish heartbeat, barely stirring the chest,
As understimulation lulls, leaving minds at rest.

And in the end, understimulation is a quiet abyss,
A void of sensation that offers no bliss.
A desert of boredom, a wasteland of time,
Leaving minds yearning for a rhythm to chime.

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