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(if you're reading this after 26th april 2024 then ignore this but i made a mistake in the previous chap, it's shanghai gp not miami, i've changed it now xx)

(also not proof read)

(and make sure to comment and vote or else i'll make carlos quit f1 xx)

EDIT: redid this chapter because i made a mistake x

Present day

Leilani, Jasmine and Neve were currently at Monaco Airport about to depart on their flight to Shanghai. Neve never thought travelling with two 22 year olds would be so challenging.

"No you can't sit on the trolleys!" Neve said for the 100th time as the girls tried to sit on the luggage trolleys without her noticing.
"Boringgg." Jasmine whined.
"I'm tryna keep you two in one piece so your brother doesn't kill me." Neve said as she tried to organise the passports because the two girls had both handed her their passports because they didn't trust themselves with it.
"If Lando was here he'd join in with us." Leilani fought back.
"You know what fine. But if you hurt yourselves just know I'm leaving you behind." Neve said in defeat. 

"YESSSSS!" Leilani and Jasmine cried as they jumped on the luggage trolley whilst Neve shook her head at them and laughed.

The girls were extremely close in age but Neve was still like the mother out of the group.


"I WANT THE WINDOW SEAT." Leilani yelled as they got on the plane.
"Lani shut up there are other people on the plane too." Jasmine said to her.
"Besides I'm getting window seat anyways." Neve said.
"Bitch." Leilani muttered to herself as she discreetly sat down in the window seat whilst Neve put her luggage in the overhead carriers.
"Leilani get up right now." Neve said once she noticed Leilani had taken the window seat."
"Can you hear that noise?" Leilani muttered to Jasmine who was about to sit in the middle.
"Yeah no. There's no way you two are sitting together," Neve said. "You'll piss the entire plane off and embarrass me."

The two girls rolled their eyes before Jasmine moved to the aisle seat to let Neve sit in the middle seat.

"Right I'm tired and I wanna sleep so don't annoy me okay?" Neve said as she took out her neck pillow and plugged her air pods in before shutting her eyes.

Leilani and Jasmine shared a look between the two of them before Jasmine carefully took out a water bottle from her bag and passed it over to Leilani who unscrewed it and held it over Neve's head.

"I swear to God whatever you're about to do, you'll regret it if you go ahead with it." Neve threatened with her eyes still shut.
"Okay what the fuck." Jasmine said in complete shock.
"Are your eyelids see through?" Leilani asked as she poked Neve's eye.
"Ouch? And no, they're not. But Lando warned me that you two are menaces on planes."
"Snitch." Leilani mumbled.

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