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~ day after the miami gp ~

(sorry i wud write abt them going out and celebrating but i'm so shit at writing that stuff so it's the day after)

(btw later on you'll see 2 ppl called oliver and flo who are just lando and leilani's other brother and sister. and for the sake of the story flo is acc older then him.)


Present day

Leilani woke up to find herself lying on the bed in a hotel room that wasn't hers.

What the fuck. She thought to herself as she tried to remember what had happened the night before - and failing. She suddenly felt a massive urge to vomit and jumped out of the bed and ran to the toilet (the hotel room having the exact same layout as hers).

As she quickly cleaned up and rinsed her mouth she headed back out to see who's room she was in to find herself face to face with none other then Oscar Piastri.

"What the hell." She said in complete shock.

"Let me explain before you start freaking out." Oscar said.

"Go on then." Leilani said as she sat down on the bed and pulled the blanket around her as she was cold.

"Do you remember any of last night?" Oscar asked her.

"Nope." Leilani replied as she could not recall a single memory.

"Well essentially we all went out to celebrate Lando's win and him and Max were going crazy being dj's and then eventually him and Neve went off and then Jasmine went off with Arthur I think - I didn't even know he was here but he came to watch Charles I think and then I was going to my room and I found you sleeping outside your hotel room because you didn't have the key to it as Jasmine had it."

"Damn." Leilani said.

"Yeah so I brought you here. I gave you the hoodie and shorts and then you changed and passed out on the bed like within minutes." Oscar said.

"Did I do or say anything stupid?" Leilani asked.

"Nope you just called me a prick about 10 times and then eventually said something about me being 'not as bad as you thought I was'." Oscar replied.

"Oh okay." Leilani said, grateful she hadn't said anything dumb and embarrassed herself.

"There's water and advil on the table there." Oscar pointed to the bedside table next to the girl.

"Thanks." She replied.

"I'm gonna go shower." He said.

"Oh okay." 

Oscar headed off to shower whilst Leilani sipped on the water and took the advil as she was beginning to develop a massive headache.


Hate that I love you ~ Oscar PiastriWhere stories live. Discover now