𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖~🥀𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭🥀

335 18 20

The hotel waited with bated breath for Vox to make his announcement...

"There has been a new threat to Hell..." Vox announced grimly, "he calls himself the radio demon," he paused and smirked. "People have been going missing left and right. Why, folks we've never seen such a threat before...!"

My eyes widened.

Wait, the radio host that I--well, Blitzø killed...he couldn't be...? No...the radio demon?

I heard the same blood-curdling laugh that I did in my dream and nearly toppled over on the floor before Angel rushed over, holding me up.

"Y-you okay, Y/N?" He asked, with concern in his eyes.

I snapped out of my trance and looked up at Angel, smiling confidently.

"Me?" I laughed, trying to cover up my genuine fear, "of course I am!"

I turned to the television, Vox was still onscreen.

"...NOT! The old-timey prick is nothing compared to us! He's old-fashioned! Old news! Weak! Old man! Haha! The Vees and Voxtech! Trust us with your safety..."

He turned angerily to the crew off camera. "Fucking old man! That bitch is no smarter than a fucking horse di—" he was cut off and the news report ended.

I stepped back to process all of that information.

Why was Vox suddenly so bias towards "the radio demon", as he calls himself? I thought he wanted him to join the team? And from the looks of it...he sure didn't seem weak...


After a filling breakfast, I gathered my stuff and thanked Charlie for the room.

"It's no problem! Like I said, I aspire to be just like you!" She squealed.

I smiled and gave her a hug, "hope to see you around Charlie," I said.

She beamed back, "of course! Visit anytime!"

And with that, I closed the door of the hotel before teleporting my stuff back home and started walking to the Vees' headquarters, now determined to talk to Vox about his strange change of heart.


I ran into his office.

"Vox!" I called out.

He scrambled up from his chair and grinned at me.

"Well hello, Y/N! How are you doing this hellish morning?"

I politely smiled back. "I'm doing fine, thanks...also, what the fuck was that?!" I demanded.

"Oh you mean the news? Yeah, what about it?" He asked, clearly not seeing the problem.

"I thought you wanted to ask that radio host to join us! Why did you talk shit?! No way he's joining us now!"

Vox shrugged. "He's an egocentric piece of human shit."

I sighed. "What happened?"

"That old timey prick declined my offer!" Vox said immediately, pouting as he jumped up from his chair.

"Oh. That makes so much more sense now," I said.

Vox looked hurt, recalling the radio host's rejection.

"Did you even know his name?" I laughed.

He nodded, "yeah, did you?"

I stopped for a second. Despite the fact that I put so much thought to him, I didn't know his name.

Vox noticed this and corrected me. "His name's Alastor."


"Who names their kid Alastor?" I chuckled, in attempt to cheer Vox up.

He gave a weak laugh. "Yeah...you must really hate your child for that..."

I smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "See? It'll be okay, Vox. Hey, wanna grab lunch?"

His face lit up. "Like a date??" He asked a little too eagerly.

"W-what?! Ew no!"

"Oh...right," Vox said glumly.

"Just as friends! Platonically! Jesus fucking Christ..." I said, rubbing my forehead.

He laughed, "I knew that...I was just joking..."

I nodded, trying to brush off the very awkward interaction.

"Alright, come on...we can talk more about this at lunch..."


"And...and then..." Vox sobbed once more between bites of his sandwich.

I sighed, patting him on the head.

"...he just said, 'hah! No!' Like what the fuck?! Who even does that?" He sobbed once more into my shoulder, gripping me tight.

"There, there..." I squeezed him closer to me. "It'll all be okay..."

He sniffled. "Am I just not cool enough?"

I tried to hold in my laughter at his childish behavior, "no...no of course not...I did not give birth to a loser!"

"Right...right...wait birth? Are you mocking me??"


He scoffed, "f-fuck you..."

"Hey I can easily leave..."


"That's what I thought..." I said rolling my eyes.

He sat up. "T-thanks, Y/N," he said wiping away some of his tears.

My face softened. "You're welcome, but we should really get back to work now."

He cleared his throat. "Oh, yeah, right..."

I nodded and turned to the door.

"See ya 'round!" I said, exiting.

"Yeah..." He muttered, "see you..."

A/N: *casually drops in a picture of egg Alastor*

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A/N: *casually drops in a picture of egg Alastor*

Okay, sooo...

I've made a few other announcements about this but if anyone would like to make some fanart for this book, please tag me in the art book you're posting it in and I will add it to the fanart section giving you credit!

This will be a great way to promote your artwork and show it off to other Hazbin fans!!

Even if you're not the best at drawing, it'll still be fun to submit a creation to show off!

I am personally not a very good artist, but I made a little drawing to add anyways :)

If you're interested, let me know!

I accept both digital and pencil drawings. (And any other art style that you might create the fanart in...I'll accept everything!)


~earth_angel17 🎨

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