Q & A answers!

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q & a answers !!! thank you all for asking !

Q : Is it possible for you to make a Reo kissing scene?

A : Definitely! I'm not too sure when, but I'm planning on making one eventually. I already have a lot of different moments with a lot of different characters (not all necessarily romantic moments) that I'm planning to squeeze into the timeslots between the games so it MIGHT not be during the NEL arc, but eventually, it will happen.

Q : how does rin feel about [name]?????

A : It's very complicated haha. During the second selection, I think it's pretty clear that he thinks the whole concept of the manager thing is pretty useless so he doesn't really care about them all that much. I mentioned that Rin's first impression of you was that you were "easy on the eyes" but you were still lukewarm and annoying.
But during the third selection, since you spent so much time together you eventually grew closer (even if just slightly, like him greeting you without an insult in the morning). As we all know, that all diminished as soon as Shidou got on the field with him and he was suddenly hurling insults left and right, and you had to step in and treat them like they were dogs and every shard of that possible friendship shattered in that moment.
Obviously, we all know what happened in chapter 44—it's less of a confession thing (compared to the kisses the reader shared with chigiri, nagi, bachira, and even isagi) and it was more of a spur-of-the-moment decision. Rin makes bad, impulsive decisions in moments where he's heated and the fact that he was slightly delirious from blood loss and the smell of medicine did not help clear his mind—as mentioned, he thinks you're pretty nice to look at so that also catered into the (sort of primal?? i don't know how else to put it) decision to kiss you lol.
After that, you hadn't really gotten to see him again, but Rin is a chronic overthinker so you know that boy has been laying awake thinking about it. He's angry, obviously, annoyed that he acted so pathetic, but mostly confused because he doesn't know why it was his first instinct to kiss you over literally everything else (he likes to think you're annoying and he doesn't know why he was so annoyed over you still caring about shidou when he almost broke his nose)

TLDR, if you are lazy: There are budding romantic feelings atm with Rin but most of it is just confusion that quickly translates into anger when he sees you because he thinks you're pretty and he liked kissing you but that just makes him mad because he doesn't want to like it and he's so confused. He is so emotionally stunted but it's okay we love him. sorry this was long, I just really love talking about character relationships in found hehe

Q : is there any future for [name] and barou interactions or am i DELUSIONAL 😞

A : DEFINETLY !! Barou is one of my favs and it kills me to push him aside like this BUT i physically cannot write a kiss scene with him. Genuinely every time I try and think of an idea it quite literally ALWAYS makes me cringe because it's always ooc. One of my biggest pet peeves in bllk fanfics is barou acting ooc because it is so easy to make him feel like a different character. The only way I could really see smth like that happening is in the same way it happened with Rin, but then it wouldn't really make sense because barou[name]'s whole dynamic is how she silently gets him/accomodates to him (within reason ofc) without question and it makes him feel so peaceful it pisses him off because how do are u doing that???
but i have an interaction between them (to sort of unofficially officially announce his feelings towards the reader) that's been stewing in my mind for the past two months and i'm just WAITING for the ubers game to finally insert it into the story haha

Q : Is (name) gonna be endgame with someone? Or is it gonna be a 'try everyone then take no one'? (EITHER WOULD BE LIT) 🗣️🗣️💯💯💯💯💯😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️ (I LOVE THIS SMMSMSMSMS I LOVE YOU SMSMSMS)
+ Q : I'm curious on how you're gonna end the story. Will there only be one endgame, or multiple chapters for each character?
+ Q : will there be ending routes or one endgame? or we gonna end up with no one? I'm dying to know

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