Chapter 5: Friendship

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The day had been like any normal day. The bus stop had dropped them off like any other day after school. Usually, their father would be waiting, ready to embrace them with the biggest bear hug in the world. He would lead her inside and asked how their day had been.

That day though, no one greeted them off the bus. She had been eight at the time while her sister had just turned sixteen. As they approached the home, her sister had been the first to notice something was wrong. "Stay with me," She had said and Autumn had done what she was told.

Entering the living room, her mother had been on the floor, curled around her pregnant belly and crying her heart out. "Mom!" Willow had rushed to her side while Autumn had stood there completely frozen. Later, she would learn that their father had left during the middle of the night....and he wasn't coming back.

And it was that night, Autumn decided that no one would hurt her like that ever again. Sure she had a few relationships here and there, but they were never anything serious. She had accepted her faith that she would be single forever. That no guy was worth the heartbreak her father had caused.

And yet, as she leaned against the door, she felt her heart threatening to break with each second. Her stomach was in knots as she glanced at the test on the kitchen sink. She just needed to wait another minute and she would find out if the cycle worked.

Closing her eyes, she released a soft sigh. Her hand pressed against her bounding heart. Calm down Autumn. Just need to wait one more-


She lunged for the test. What is it? What is it? Her eyes widened at the plus in the circle. She blinked before she gripped around the stick. She felt her stomach churning with both excitement and something else. Grabbing two more tests, she found herself starting at three positive tests ten minutes later.

It worked. Her vision blurred. I'm pregnant!

Grabbing her phone, she pressed the dial button. Pick up. Pick up. She listened to the dial tone. "Pick up," she whispered.

"Hello?" A groggy voice muttered.

"I'm pregnant." Tears slipped free. "I'm pregnant, Heather."

"Really?" She heard Heather sit up. "Are you sure?"

"I took three tests." She cried. "The cycle worked."

"Yes!" Heather cried on the other end. "I'm getting a new nephew or niece!" She paused. "What does that mean?"

"Gian is the father, yes." Her grip tightened. "But you won't tell, right?"

"I already told you my lips are sealed."


"But remember not everyone is like him, Autumn."

And one is worth the risk. She swallowed. "Yeah, well I thought I should call and let you know."

"You had to take them at midnight though?"

"Yes." She laughed. "Night Heather."

"Night Autumn."


"I'm sorry!" Scrambling to keep her papers from scrambling out, she slammed into the seat across from Gian. "I'm so sorry. I swear I set my alarm but it didn't go off at all."

"That's alright." Gian closed a binder in front of him. "I was just wondering if you would like some coffee?"

"No, no thanks." Now that I'm carrying a baby there's no way, I'm letting any harm come to it. She had spent all the days leading up to this date researching what she can and can't have. She was going to make sure her baby only got the healthiest things.

"Well, then I'll be right back." As Gian went to get coffee, Autumn looked around the coffee shop. The shop was a quiet, almost quaint place with round wooden tables and chairs.There was a shelf of coffee blends near the window that people could buy while a large stand across from the ordering counter helped the cream, sugar and more.

Since it was a Saturday morning, the shop was quiet with an elderly couple and what seemed to be a studying student in the corner.

"Alright I'm back."

Taking one sniff, Autumn could tell the drink by heart. "Is that a white caramel macchiato?" Gian did a double take. "Uh, yeah. How did you know?"

"I get that drink every time. You love it?"

"I didn't at first but my sister dared me to try it and I loved it every since."

"I'm starting to think you have a problem with dares." Autumn leaned forward.

"Nah, I just like to try new things." Gian smiled. "I mean you only live once you know." He shrugged his shoulders before he turned to her. "So, since you're my wedding planner I thought you should see what I have planned for the wedding so far."

Grabbing the binder, she opened it to the first page. "Heather said you're an interior designer. Have you always wanted to be that or...."

"Not really." His gaze watched her. "I was originally in college for engineering but I had to drop out when money got tight." He tapped his fingers against the table. "When I was helping some friends move into their new apartment, I realized that I actually enjoy decorating the places. Plus I think people forget that decorating can be just as manly as construction. I mean you literally destroy old furniture and reuse the parts for new decor."

"Really?" She tilted her head. "That sounds a lot like house flipping." She had to admit his work was detailed. He had different color schemes, ideas, even contacts that he had previously worked with laid out with their strengths and weaknesses.

"Oh right, Heather said you flip houses." She met his gaze again. Her heart flipped at the interest in them. "Why don't you tell me about them?" A man that doesn't want to hear about himself? She fought the urge to gasp. Is this real?

'Well, me and my busniess partner Owen, we take houses and flip them for retail. However, that's more a hobby for me. I really help create new houses and hotels for the city and private companies."

"Sounds like a very demanding job."

"Sometimes." She sighed. "But I do enjoy the travel at times."

"Where have you been?"

"Almost all of Europe, Cuba, and even New Zealand." She folded her hands. "What about you? You get out to travel?" Gian stroked his chin beard. "I've been to Europe and Australia, never New Zealand though."

"You should go, the sight is beautiful."

"Maybe," his eyes softened. "We could go together?"

"How about?" Autumn countered. "We get through this coffee date first." She slid the binder back to him. "And this is some pretty solid starts."

"Thank you, I tried my best." He tucked the binder back into his backpack. "So, tell me about yourself, Autumn."

"Oh, no, I think I've been talking about myself enough." She leaned into her hands. Her eyes gave him a once over in his white sleeve length t-shirt and jeans. "What about you?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Well for starters, what hobbies do you have?"

Maybe I made a mistake and he's not the father.

"Well, I love to cook." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Not to brag but I've been told my tiramisu is the best in the whole world."

"Well, then I guess I'll have to see about that."

His smile softened. "Maybe you will." Autumn's heart skipped a beat before she turned her gaze to anywhere else but his smile. Who knows, she thought, maybe Heather was right. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have him as a friend around.

And how hard could it be to keep the baby secret from him?

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