smut E5 S1

44 1 0

We had just finished our date and were headed to his house. i like being with him, it was ineffable. And so was the sex we were about to have. We arrived at his house and went to his room after saying "goodbye" to his parents. There was no one home leaving us bored but also with a sexual tension and desires which we wished to fill. 

I laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling in frustration, being bored because i was done scrolling threw my phone. He turned to look at me and saw i was annoyed. He smirked at me and said "what do i wanna do?" i mean of-course i had a few ideas but they were NSFW if you catch my drift. I told him this and his face flushed red. He got up and sat next to me on the bed and leaned his head against the back board. 

I sat up on my knees and asked him the same question. He then proceeded to lead my hand towards his shoulder causing my body to follow. He then placed my other hand down and gently lifted my leg over his lap causing me to straddle him. I gazed at him with longing in my eyes and he did the same. It was like a magnetic force pulling our faces together, as we got closer and closer i brushed my hands up cupping his face. I could feel his warm breath hit my face and that's when our lips connected. It was magical.

I pushed my head closer to deepen the kiss and before i knew it about five minutes had flown by. We stopped to catch our breath some more before i asked to unzip his trousers. He obviously agreed and then i proceeded to take off mine along with my shirt, leaving me in just my underwear. He took off his shirt and laid down signalling for me to straddle him again. Before sitting down i slowly pulled off his boxers... my eyes widened at the sight of his size. 

He then pulled off my panties as if he couldn't wait any longer. I then swung my leg over his lap again and softly inserted him in. I let out a moan feeling the entirety of him. I gasped as i thrusted forward at a gental pace. His eyes started to roll back into his head and his mouth slowly dropped. He couldn't compose himself anymore. He gripped onto my hips and motioned me back and forth. We gradually got faster and started to passionately kiss again.

As we moaned through out the kiss we decided to change positions. I lifted myself off of him and he laid me down. He drifted his hands down and in between my legs, he pressed open my thighs and lifted my legs into the air and spread them apart. He then put his hands by my side's and slipped back into me. I was soaked. I couldn't wait any longer so i told him to go "faster". After a few seconds he hit my good spot. I started to moan uncontrollably and he liked it. 

I was near the edge and he was ready to jump with me. We both came after a little while and it was electric. Who knew it could be like this? He collapsed next to me, both out of breath. After a few minutes of gathering my thoughts and trying to comprehend what just happened i decided to hop in the shower. about an hour later he gets out of the bathroom after taking his shower too. We then got into our night clothes and stayed up all night talking and cuddling. As i said i like being with him, its ineffable.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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