😶‍🌫️Unexpected: Guiding Light x Reader (Fluff)😶‍🌫️

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Guiding Light is Female
Reader is Male
Requested by thinking_of_name

Y/N was lost. He had escaped his home from his abusive parents, because it was getting out of hand. He grabbed some essential stuff, opened the window of his room, looked at it one last time, and left.

Y/N thought about going to his friend's house, but it was too far away to go walking, and staying at a hotel wasn't an option since he was underage, so he was left with only one option: heading to the forest nearby forest to seek shelter.

Y/N was roaming around for around thirty minutes, and he checked his wrist clock to see it was already 2:52 in the morning. He had been on the run for a while, and he didn't regret it.

After a few more minutes of walking, Y/N saw in the distance a small shine of light, coming from an unknown source. He didn't know if he was supposed to head there or no, but he took the risk.

Y/N stepped closer to the light, and saw a very big building, and he took the staircase up, and he saw it was a hotel, but it was apparently abandoned, due to the unprovidement of people.

Y/N entered inside, and saw multiple elevators. He didn't know if he went to explore or to take a rest, and so, he layed down in one of the sofas in the room and feel asleep.

Y/N woke up, a bit groggy from the time he slept, and he saw it was 11:24 in the morning. He stretched, pulled out some chips from his backpack, and readied himself for the day.

Y/N entered one of the elevators, flashlight in hand, and entered a lobby-like room, and he went for the key that was hanging on the key frame.

After twisting the key inside the lock, Y/N felt a strange sensation of presence near him, and he didn't know what it was, and he wasn't willing to know what it was.

Y/N kept opening door after door, room after room, and he stumbled upon the most gruesome thing he ever saw.


There was a bloodied body, pinned on the wall, and there were body parts and organs scattered across the room, that was showered with blood.

Y/N felt the urge to vomit. He had seen stuff worse than that, but he never stumbled upon anything of the sort in his life, and he didn't know what to do.

Y/N bolted towards the next door, and closed it behind him immediately. His eyes were dilated like hell, and his heart was racing at speed of light.

Tears started forming in Y/N's eyes, but he didn't let that gruesome encounter stop him, and so, he got up, and kept going forward.

Before he could enter the next room, he heard glinting noise coming from a room, and he opened it to see something... Weird.

He saw a blue figure, glowing blue, looking around the drawers that were in the room, and he didn't know what to do.

"Uhm... Hello?" Y/N said, looking at the figure with curiosity.

The figure turned around, and they had a very feminine look. Apparently, it was some random girl.

"Oh, hello. Never thought I would see a human here." The figure said, facing Y/N.

"Well, I guess you did." Y/N shrugged.

"What brings you here?" The figure asked, raising an eyebrow.

"... I'm actually on the run... I escaped from my parents, and now I'm here, because I don't really have anywhere to go." Y/N said, his voice rather shaky.

"Oh... My bad... That must've been quite harsh..." The girl said, frowning.

"Don't feel bad for me... It's all a matter of survival." Y/N said.

"Anyway... You look alone... Do you need company?" The girl asked.

"Eh, sure, why not. And may I have your name?" Y/N asked her.

"You can call me Guiding." Guiding Light said, smiling.

"Y/N. Nice to have you accompanying me." Y/N said, smiling.

"So let's get going, shall we?" Guiding Light said, taking Y/N's hand and walking alongside him.

Y/N was surprised by the sudden contact, but didn't fight it, and he stayed walking alongside her.

Both of them were walking holding hands, and a small Aura of closeness was forming between them, and Y/N couldn't put a finger on it.

He was getting flustered by the moment, and so was Guiding Light, and both of them were just stealing glances at one another, until both of their eyes locked.

Y/N looked at Guiding Light, and Guiding Light looked at Y/N. Their cheeks were burning, their hearts fluttering, and their stomachs curling. Is that supposed to be love? Well maybe.

"Ha, you blinked." Y/N said, smirking playfully.

"Oh come on!" Guiding Light groaned, crossing her arms and pouting cutely.

"Don't be mad about it. You're really cute when you're angry." Y/N joked, provoking her.

"Oh, shut up!" Guiding Light squeaked, looking away in embarrassment.

"Come on... Admit it." Y/N said, hugging Guiding Light from behind.

"... Fine. You win." Guiding light gave up, and hugged Y/N back, feeling great for befriending such caring person.

" Guiding light gave up, and hugged Y/N back, feeling great for befriending such caring person

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