89-90: Complaint

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Chapter 89 Complaint

With her husband’s agreement, Airi felt much better.

She nodded firmly: "That's right, I'm not fierce at all. How could I be cruel to you?"

According to this configuration, she should be the sweet wife of a domineering mafia boss, that's right, not a weak mafia boss. and his violent and murderous wife.

Although as a woman of the new era, she no longer dreams of being a good wife and mother like Yamato Nadeshiko like the old society did, but she doesn’t want to be a violent woman either!

Gentle and virtuous, a little playful and cute, this is her dream!

Looking at his wife, he couldn't help but want to kiss her. Dazai Osamu rubbed her hand and sincerely agreed: "Airi is right, Airi is the gentlest. She has never scolded me or hit me."

Even if she happens again . She was so angry that she never thought of abandoning him. She was definitely the best wife in the world.

Hearing Dazai Osamu say this, Airi suddenly felt a little guilty.

Speaking of which, she seemed to have scolded Osamu Dazai, and when she hit him, she seemed to have hit him when she got angry, but Osamu Dazai neither scolded her nor hit her...

Wait, thinking about it, she seems to be more fierce than her husband. Got it!

No, she can't really be the type of wife like Sassy Girl, Hedong Lion Roar, right?

As soon as she got stuck, Dazai Osamu took over his place very considerately, turned around and asked naturally: "Do you have anything else? If not, you can leave."

"Of course." Edogawa stood up in a hurry, and also He answered naturally: "The famous detective is here to complain, and the complaint is not over yet."

Yes, they are here to complain.

Airi, Kunikida Doppo, and Nakahara Chuuya thought at the same time. After experiencing the "nude photo incident" just now, they almost forgot their original purpose.

A little curious about where Edogawa Ranpo would complain and how Airi would react, Dazai Osamu asked in a good manner: "So, what do you want to say?"

Touching his chin, Edogawa Ranpo looked solemn. He said: "The husband is too busy with work, and the couple will spend less time together. Moreover, once Hong Kong and Hong Kong begin to expand, many situations will arise."

Barely recovering from the shock that he might be a Hedong lion, Ai Ri said virtuously: "I don't mind. Zhi's work is the most important, and I support him." He

sighed exaggeratedly, and Edogawa Ranpo clasped his hands behind his back and added seriously: "It's fine if it's just work, I'll do that too. " He won't complain. But in order to please the boss of the port mafia, many people will send him things."

Dazai Osamu immediately understood what he was going to say and stopped him.

His voice was filled with doubts and sadness: "Hey, except for assassinations, I haven't received anything else."

"Really?" Edogawa Ranpo explained in a straightforward and shameless manner: "I'm talking about those organizations that are willing to surrender. In addition to protection fees, many organization bosses will send their daughters or the most beautiful mistresses."

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