Chapter Seven - the BAU

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"Do they really need all this for some bones?" Derek mumbled as he surveyed the massive room filled with extensive lab equipment, fluorescent lights, and a raised platform in the middle. "They have fricken sky lights."

Emily ignored his remarks and walked up to where a man and woman were arguing on the platform. "Uhm, excuse me?" The couple turned their heads to look at them.

The woman studied them before turning to the man. "Is that them?"

The man looked down at the pair. "You the profilers?"

"That's us." Derek replied, still distracted by the dramatic room he stood in.

"You came for nothing, the bones are fake," the woman told them blandly and without hesitation.

Emily and Derek looked at each other. "What do you mean they're fake?" Her voice laced with a questioning tone.

The woman shot the man a look and turned away from them, muttering a disparaging remark about psychologists being as soft as their science.

"Has anyone proposed an alien conspiracy?"

The man on the platform immediately waved a hand at the mad-looking scientist who'd poked his head out from the other side of the lab. "Not now, Hodgins. But yes, the bones seem to be made out of a resin. They're completely artificial."

"Well this was a quick case." Morgan shrugged.

Emily wasn't as happy about the lack of work they had to do. "Do we know where they came from at least. We should still be looking for the two men who were driving with fake bones in their trunk."

The mad scientist perked up. "I can do a particulate scraping - see if anything turns up!"

"That would be great." Emily said, nodding approvingly.

"Now that you have what you've come here for, please leave," the woman demanded from up on the platform. "I have ancient remains to identify."

Leaving the woman alone with her bones, Emily and Derek followed Hodgins to his lab suite. In the lead, the man pivoted on his heel. "Welcome to my Ookey room." He gestured to the swath of plants, bugs, and dirt covering the space.

"It'll take a while to get results, so settle in."

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