~ Chapter Two ~

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Light! The sky was bright. Confusion and wonder filled the bridges in the village. Whispers as the Star Shooters grabbed their weaponry as soon as the light came. It was making its way down to Earth. Espresso was in line, awaiting orders patiently from his commander. Despite so desperately wanting to run into the woods and take the star for himself, he knew he deserved it better than any of the other hunters. He trained more than any of them, and he worked twice as hard. If anyone were to claim that star as their own, it would be him. He would make sure of it. He readied his arrows and spear. The horn was blown, and every star shooter made a mad dash, desperate to find the star. Everyone wanted the same thing. They all had the same goal. Espresso was no different from them, no matter how much he believed himself to be. He saw a light in the distance, through the trees. He followed it. He came to a quick stop behind a tree. There it was. The star.

He peeked his head out from behind the tree, trying to get a good look at the fiend. It was dressed in blue with blonde, nearly white, hair. Its skin glowed, and its eyes were filled with the wonders of magic. Espresso gave off a look of disgust. He took out his spear and made a charge at the creature. The star turned and managed to dodge. "Woah! Hello there, mortal. I seem to have lost my way home. Woah! Again. Careful with that—that pointy thing," he said, giving a slightly nervous laugh. Espresso gave a look of confusion and hatred. "What are you doing? Enough with this foolishness and attack me back!" He stamped his foot, trying to be taken seriously. The star only gave a smile. It was gentle and kind. "Why would I ever want to hurt such a magnificent creature?" He asked. Espresso did not know how to answer. So, he did what he knew how to do. He attacked. "Hah! Magnificent creature? Nice try. I don't fall for empty compliments." He gave a confident grin to prove how ineffective the star's attempt was. The star shook its head. "Not empty at all!" He held Espresso's hand between both of his. "I think you are amazing." Espresso scoffed and took his hand away. "What for? You don't even know me!" He held his spear up in defense. "Know you? I suppose not. You don't know me either. Yet you attacked me." The star gave a shrug. "Perhaps you could know me before you decide to try and kill me?" He offered, with no ill-intentions.

Espresso gave a frown. Before he could reply, voices were heard. They were rapidly approaching. Espresso grabbed the star's sleeve and began running. He took the star to a long abandoned shelter. Espresso used this place to hide at times in the past. "Lie low. Quit that glowing!" He snapped, shutting the door and leaning on it. The star looked around frantically and tried to use his clothing to dim his glow. The voices grew clearer. Other hunters. They got close, but thankfully, they faded into the distance. Espresso let a breath of relief escape his lips. The star was smiling. "What are you so happy about?" Espresso asked, stepping away from the door. The star sat up straight. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just happy. I get to meet you." Espresso stared at him, trying to figure out some deeper meaning behind those words. "Well, I am happy as well. Today is finally the day when I can prove myself as a shooter. I will be given glory and recognition!" The star clapped his hands in full support of the human before him. "How exciting! I will cheer you on loud and proud." Espresso shook his head. "You won't. You'll be dead." The star nodded slowly. "I see. Well, if that makes a cute little mortal like you happy, then I don't see the problem." He admired a flower that grew between the cracks in the floorboards.

Espresso blushed. "Cute little mortal? Oh, I'll show you a cute little mortal. When I behead you!" The star didn't look up at him. "May I know your name?" He asked calmly. Espresso gave a stammer. This was not at all what he was expecting when meeting his very first star. "It's Espresso." He replied in a quieter voice than before. The star smiled. "That's very fitting. My name is Madeleine." When Espresso didn't reply, he continued. "Tell me, Espresso. Why do you want to kill me?" Espresso gave him a heavy frown. "Why? Why?? Look at the world around you! We are cursed to live in darkness because you stars took our daylight. You took everything from us! You deserve to suffer!" He pointed at Madeleine. The star stood up straight, paying attention to Espresso. "Oh, well, I know I wasn't around for that. I have heard stories about humans. I was told they're selfish, greedy creatures. They wanted our magic for themselves, so we ran away." He shrugged. "Those are stories, though. It looks like you were told a lot of things too." 



Sorry it took so long to write this!! I am a crazy procrastinator.

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