Sleepless NIGHTS

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Chapter 2
"Remmington, please don't touch that."
"Ben, put that down."
"Blake, if you press that button you'll probably set off a bomb in a very crowded area, just saying."
It was like this for about 10 minutes. I felt like I was talking to a bunch of kids. Although, I guess if you took into consideration their mental capacity, I basically was. Well it was time to get this show on the road.
Standing up from where I was sitting, I took my time was I walked over to the bookcase. Hitting each boy on their head as I walked by to get their attention. Earning myself an 'ow' from each one of them.
I stopped I'm front of the bookshelf entrance, and as I turned around I was greeted with the lovely sight of each boy grimacing and rubbing the back of their heads.
"Alright, we gotta keep going. The tunnel is going to be pretty dark, but just keep walking forward unless I say other words. I'm bringing up the rear, so you all have to go in first."
I nod my head in the direction of the tunnel, and they take slow steps until I shove Remmington forward, effectively getting all of them into the tunnel. "Just start walking, I'll be right there."
I walk over to the master computer and puts countdown for this entire room to revert to its disguise. And I made sure that the room would get sanitized so that any form of DNA left behind would be destroyed. I walk back over to the tunnel, taking one last look before jogging in to catch up with the boys. As the library closed up the entrance, I had to wonder if I really made the right choice by coming here.
As I finally caught up with the boys, I was almost out of breath. They made much more progress than I though they would have. They had stopped at an underground pool. It wasn't in the center of the mountain but there was an opening at the top, and I could see that the sun and finally set. We must have spent much longer in the cabin than I had realized.
"So, ummm, we have no idea where to go from here... if you could give us some directions that would be great." Ugh, Ben, that smartass.
Scowling at them, I just walk over to the side of the pool, not satisfying him with an answer.
Feeling my hand along the rock wall, I reach under some moss and press my thumb to the small pad that blends in. After a few seconds, a section of the wall pulls back to reveal staircase.
'So much security' I hear one of the boys mutter. Stepping to the side, I let the boys walk past me up the staircase, thankful that for once they don't ask questions. I follow behind, making sure that the wall closes up and make my way to the front of the group.
At the top of the staircase, I feel around for another entrance pad. After scanning, pricking, and analyzing my finger, I'm able to push the door open.
The door opens up to a large garage. And I make my way through, letting the boys enter and pushing the door closed behind them. I'll always be able to find amusement in leaving them speechless, but now I really need to get to bed.
"I'll give you guys a tour tomorrow, but please just don't talk and follow me."
I continue walking until I get to an elevator. After we all load in, I press the button for 4.
"I already picked out your rooms, and I have luggage in them. I had James and Serena pack all of us clothes and drop them here. I'm fact, I even had them put your names on your rooms. Less work for me."
After stopping on the fourth floor, I push them all out, and with a smile and quick goodnight, close the elevator, pressing the button for the fifth floor.
It was late at night. I'm not sure what time, but way past midnight I know for sure.
I couldn't sleep.
Getting out of my bed, I made my way to the small living room I had up here. The moonlight lit up the room enough so I didn't have to turn on any lights.
I walked over to a corner and pulled out a box, carrying it over to a beanbag. Sitting down, I opened the box, surprised that there wasn't as much dust as I anticipated. Shrugging it off, I reached on lifting out a slightly heavy photo album.
Flipping through pages I was filled with an odd sense of longing. I had an idea of what, but I wasn't ready to confront it. I closed the album when my vision started to blur. Closing up the box and condemning it back to it corner, I left the room. I stopped walking when I heard a creak from down the hall. Turning around slightly I listened for any other signs of movement. When I found none, I decided not to investigate and go back to bed. I was finally starting to feel my exhaustion, and I wanted nothing more than to fall in bed. I continued on to my bed, with one last glance towards the corner than held many good times and bad people, and vice versus, none of which I as ready to confront.

wow it's been while. sorry for the wait I've had writers block and life is shitty. But I wanna write a lot this summer and I have so many ideas for this story and a few others I hope to start. I don't know when I'll start updating frequently so I'm gonna keep it on hold until I know o can be consistent. So please stick around **emoji kissy face**

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