welcome TO cali - PART two

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Chapter 1.5

Tara's POV

Don't panic...

Don't panic...

Think of the nice beach...

Just don't think of your possible demise...

That you are coming close to...

Okay, focus back into reality...


I had to think fast. As in Flash fast, but the screaming girls weren't really helping. And I couldn't concentrate with them screaming pitches that would be competition for a One Direction concert. I'm pretty sure my ears are bleeding. 

If I looked down I could see buildings and cars in the far distance. But, unfortunately for us, we were landing on a hill...

A forested hill.

I blocked them out and recalled my wilderness survival training I had taken up when I was younger.

"In the event that the weather isn't what you had expected, use your tarp to set up camp. The tarp should be waterproof, it usually is, but I know that some people need to be reminded." The teacher looked straight at the brown eyed boy right next to me. He grinned, while I just rolled my eyes. He loved getting on every teachers nerves. 

He leaned in closer to me, so he could whisper in my ear. 

"Do you wanna make this class a bit more interesting?"

I smiled, knowing what he had in mind.

"Hey Teach!?"

The teacher, who I just realized I didn't know the name of, turned to us with irritation.

"Yes, Mr. Swann?" He said after checking his clip board. It's not like he didn't know who we were, everyone did.

"I was wondering, what if you didn't have a tarp?"

"Then, you better hope that the weather in manageable or that you find shelter."

"Yes, but what if I had something else that I wanted to use?"

He sighed, "What do you have in mind?"

The brown eyed boy turned to me, eyeborow raised with a smirk. That was my cue.

"Like a fishnet."


He sensed that that was where my creativity ended and took over for me, "Exactly, if i was getting some fish, and it started to rain, or something like that.... how could I make shelter using a fish net."

The teacher started to turn a pinkish color and the brown eyed boy rolled his eyes. 

"Okay, not the best example", he said throwing me a playful look, "what about a parachute?" 

The teacher, was getting a darker color, so I took over. 

"Even better! What if I just happened to be in a plane crash and all we had beside some food was some emergency parachutes. Then what?"

"Why don't you just stay in the plane for shelter?"

"It blew up."

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