1-The incest map

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Tw//Mention of past drugging/rape (if you want to skip it just don't read the 2 month flashback, its the part in all italics)

I groan tiredly, rolling over to reach for my phone and switch my annoying-ass alarm off. At the same time, somebody throws my door open with so much force that it swings into the wall noisily.

"Wakey wakey rise and shine" I hear the teasing voice of my twin brother as my duvet gets ripped away from me, forcing me to open my eyes.

"Rack off Spence" I glare at my brother and chuck a pillow at him, annoyed that I couldn't get 5 more minutes of peace before getting ready to go back to hell, also known as Hartley High.

"Come on Bee, it's the first day back, if we're late Mum might officially disown us" he grins at me, already fully dressed despite it literally being 7.30am.

"What a shame" I retort sarcastically, but I get out of bed all the same and move to grab some clothes, deciding that as a positive at least all of my friends will be there.


I walk through the gates with my arm linked through Spider's, heading towards my found family, which consists of Spider, Ant and Dusty. It's always been the 4 of us since we could walk. Well, Dusty had joined us a couple of years later, but I count him as family all the same.

With no father and a mentally unstable mother that hated Spider for simply being a man and me for disagreeing with her views about hating all men, the boys are the first people that I could fully be myself around without worrying about being judged. They truly are my home away from home, even if they can be super annoying a lot of the time.

"Welcome back to hell, boys!" I greeted, smiling happily at them as I reach my arms out to Ant and allow him to swing me around in a circle before hugging Dusty, acting like I hadn't seen them in weeks even though we all played basketball in Dusty's backyard literally last night.

"This definitely isn't hell if your here" Ant grins proud of himself as I groan at his questionable flirting and poke him in the side playfully. We've always had a flirty friendship, and I've had a crush on him since the start of high school. However, I wouldn't risk years of friendship just because my heart decided it wanted him, so I've kept quiet about it.

"Oi, missing your fourth witch" Spider calls out, interrupting my train of thought as I turn to see who he's talking to.

I smile at the sight of Sasha, Missy and Amerie. Whilst I'm not particularly close with Sasha, I sit by Amerie in a couple of my lessons and Missy is my closest girl friend, so I smile warmly at Amerie whilst stealing the orange bucket hat from Missy's head and putting it on my own, quickly getting jumped on by the girl as she fights me to get her hat back.

After Missy manages to take her hat off me, leaving me pouting, I turn back to the boys to see Amerie walking away from Dusty before hurrying ahead to catch up with Sasha and Missy where she starts to squeal. I laugh, nudging Dusty to try and show him but he is too slow and by the time he looks she has already gone inside. The poor girl has been clearly pining after him for years yet he's a clueless idiot and is yet to notice. I've tried to point it out to him multiple times as I think they would be sweet together, however he might be the most oblivious guy I've ever met.

"Come on guys, lets head in" Spider says as we all start to walk towards the packed high school entrance.

"Hey, whose the new guy?" Ant asked, pointing out a very lost looking guy at the front of the building. However before any of us can answer, we are cut off.

"Oi! There's a fully-gacked sex map in the old stairwell!"

"Oh my god" I grab Ant and Spiders arms so I don't lose them as we rush with the crowd to the old stairwell, where there is in fact an entire wall full of names and lines connecting them to people they have hooked up with.

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