Welcome to Hawkins

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"You could at least talk to me" My dad spoke from the seat next to me as we drove, There was no point though I couldn't hear him. I sat looking out the window watching the trees go by as  I listened to Kate bush through my head phones. The blur of the trees and fences rushing by had my full attention as I contemplated the decisions that had led me to being in this beat up old truck on my way to Hawkins. Instead of sitting at school or rather skipping school , in Chicago with my friends, laughing and having fun , maybe one of us bought a bottle of vodka and we were taking turns sipping from the bottle listening to music having fun . Nope instead I was here in my dads truck leaving it all behind.

"Helloooooo" my dad called again, this time wave this hand in my face. I pull one of my headphones away from my ear as I roll my eyes. "Yes?" I question annoyed.
"Hey don't give ME the attitude. It's not my fault this is happening, it's not your friends faults, not your sisters faults, it's yours. " he lectured or at least he tried. I haven't seen my dad in 6 years, he moved to Hawkins after getting in trouble for the last time in Chicago. Him and my mother divorced when I was only two and even though he lived in the same city as me, I only saw him once a year if I was lucky so I was in no mood for him to play parent. I continued giving him the silent treatment but I kept one of my headphones off my ear still able to hear him. "Look Nikki" he sighed before continuing " I know it sucks, having to come live with me and switch schools 2 weeks into your senior year. But I'm sorry, you have only yourself to blame yourself and you know that. " he tried to lecture again . He had a point but that's neither here nor there. I turned my head back towards the window before he started talking again.  " Just do your time and suck it up okay kiddo?" He said with a sincerity in his voice but never breaking his gaze on the road ahead. "God!" I groaned throwing my head back dramatically. " this is just so god damn unfair! Why ? Why couldn't she just lock me in my room for a month to punish me instead of destroying my entire life !" I half yelled as I stared at the roof of the truck. "Drama queen" my dad laughed as he broke his gaze to look at me with amusement from my theatrical tantrum. I turn back to look at him to shoot him a look ,  but his amused look broke my serious look . "Asshole" I mutter through a smile I tried to hide . The last thing I wanted is for him to see me laughing, I'm pissed off and I want him to know it. He knew though even if I laughed he knew I was pissed. I always felt like my dad got me in a way the rest of my family didn't, I feel that it's due to me being just like him in a lot of ways . A fact in which my mom never let me forget, In a not so nice way. She would say  "Your just like father" . She would say it if I got an F on a test, if I missed curfew, got a Saturday detention or the time when I had snuck out in the middle of the night. I had climbed back in through my window at 3am drunk when I got myself tangled in the curtains and came crashing down bringing the curtain rod down with me. My mum heard the crash and came in and flicked on my bedroom light to see me laying on my back with one foot still hanging out the window, hair in my face and wrapped in a curtain. Yep "just like your father " she rolled her eyes and turned the light off and began to walk away. "I -uh- saw a bird..." I yelled back to her with my sad attempt at an excuse as she shut the door leave me to untangle myself in the dark . I could tell she wasn't even slightly amused but I was .

"Alright " my dad announced breaking my thoughts and bringing my attention back to reality. I look at him and then look around at the trailer park we have pulled up to. I look at my dad , look at his trailer , then look back at him again. "Are you serious?" I question with a look of annoyance.
My dad stared at me confused as to what my problem was . "It's a shoe box Dad " I say to him as if he is stupid . " you live in a shoe box " I tease him. He looks over to his trailer with a smirk and then looks back at me " no sweetie WE live in a shoe box " he says sarcastically in an attempt to be funny but also annoying me. I roll my eyes and reach into the back to grab my duffel bag . I stay in my seat for a moment not really wanting to get out and start a new life in Hawkins, when an obnoxiously loud vehicle pulled up to the trailer across the dirt road from my dads. "Oh my god" I yell to myself in frustration. Seriously is this what I have to live next too? Somone who pulls up blasting music from their shitty van ? I catch a glance at the van before getting out. I see a glimpse of guy in a leather jacket get out and stand near his door for a moment. It looked like he was looking at his door thinking. "Okay" I say to my self in defeat ignoring the random person across from me and forcing myself out of the truck and into the trailer.

Trailer trash (Eddie Munson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now