Meeting each other

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After school had finished for the day I met Robin at her locker . " I got a lot of odd looks today" I lean over her shoulder and say as she shut her locker. " I can't imagine why " she laughed sarcastically as we both turned and began the walk through the school to the parking lot. " you should come hang out with me and Steve " Robin suggested excitedly as she hit me repeatedly on the arm. "Whose Steve ?l I questioned screwing my face up.

"No..! Come on.. no Steve's not like that, seriously he's an idiot sure .. but not an idiot like Jason. Plus he's like my best friend and I think you would like him" she attempts to explain theatrically moving her arms about to get her point across. "Fine .." I groan giving in with a laugh. "Yay!!" Robin exclaimed clapping her hands together. "Let me just go tell my dad" I say gesturing to his truck as we exit the school and walk outside.

Robin and I approached my dads truck and I knocked on the window, and gestured for him to wind it down, he did. " how was school? And whose your friend?" He asked mockingly but not in a mean way more of a teasing way. " knock it off Mic " I dig back at him as I lean my elbow against the open window. " ouch " he laughed pretending I had hurt his feelings " I'm Mic now am I?" He laughed. I couldn't help but laugh too. " this is Robin " I introduce her to my dad. "Nice to meet you Robin, I'm Mic , Nikki's dad. " he put his hand out the window to shake Robins hand, but I push it away " yeah yeah " I laugh "she knows your my dad ". "I was wondering if I could go hang out with Robin this afternoon " I ask not really sure if he was gonna be cool or not. " I don't see why not, as long as you don't get poor old Robin here into any trouble " he laughed as he nodded in Robin's direction. "So I'll see you back at the trailer then?" My dad asked as he got ready to start the car "ugh! " I groan throwing my head back dramatically " Yes thank you dad " I Say sarcastically and shoot him a look before turning away from my him to face robin. " Yes we live at the trailer park " I admit to Robin with a big overly cheerful tone "how cool is that? " I say looking at her and then looking back at my dad. I could tell he realised what I was getting at by the way he screws up his face and sucked a breath in threw his teeth. "Uh right, my Bad" he said in an attempt to break the tension and make robin laugh. It worked. "I don't care that you live at the trailer park?" Robin laughed. "My friend Max lives there too ", she shrugged .

"Alright . " I say turning to look at my dad. " This has been delightful. But Robin and I are going to go now " I say pushing myself away from the truck and grab robins arm to lead her away also. " Bye Nikki's Dad" Robin turned her head and waved as I dragged her . "Home by dark ! " my dad yelled to me . I threw my arm up and gave him a thumbs up as I kept walking not turning around. "Your dads a big scary guy " Robin states to me as she turned back and looked at him giving him another wave. "He's funny though " she laughed . " yeah yeah, he's a real hoot " I reply with pure sarcasm. "Now can we just go" I laugh.

Steve stands leaning against the hood of his brown BMW as Robin and I approached from across the parking lot of the school, "Damn" I think to myself. Robin failed to mention that he was.. well hot, like classically and traditionally hot. The kind of guy pretty much anyone would fined attractive. I wouldn't ordinarily find someone so traditionally good looking attractive but I guess you can't really choose who your attracted to. "Steve this is Niki" she gestured to me. "You will be giving her a ride home" she said , not asking but rather stated as a fact as she climbed in the back, leaving me to take the front seat I notice. "Awkward " I laugh as I watch Robin disappearing into the car, not even attempting to act as a social buffer between me and Steve. "SHE'S awkward " Steve chuckled as he nodded his head in Robin's direction. " iv noticed " I reply as I nod agreeing.

Steve and Robin drop me back at the trailer after a bout an hour of showing me around town, it was more enjoyable than I had expected. The banter between the two was pretty amusing, they seemed very close for people who weren't dating. I climb out of Steve's car after saying goodbye to Robin, "Thanks for the ride home " I thank Steve, then turning my head to look at Robin "Not that you had a choice " I laugh. Robin looked at me raising her eyebrow " what did I do ? " she questioned with a laugh as I returned my attention back to Steve and give him a small smile. "See you guys tomorrow " I laugh shutting the car door and turning around to walk up the trailer steps. I hear Steve's car drive away as I walk inside the trailer and shut the door behind me . "Dad?" I yell as I'm looking down at my shoes kicking them off in the entrance to the living room.

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