Chapter 24

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Christian stared as Nancy left the doctor's office. Hanna on noticing his distraction called out to him saying,"Christian, what are you staring at?" Christian withdrew his attention from Nancy's retreating figure and stared at Hanna and hesitantly said,"Nothing." Then he intertwined their hands and pulled her towards her grandmother's room.

On entering the room they saw Ben pulling on the dark blue hospital blanket to cover his grandmother's sleeping form. On noticing the couple standing at the door he said,"Hanna, can I speak to you, alone?" Hanna stared at him, then turning to Christian she nodded to show that it was okay. Christian on seeing this, reluctantly left the room. After Christian's departure, Hanna turned to Ben waiting for him to speak. Ben on gaining Hanna's attention, averted his gaze from hers. Shaking his head a few times he lifted his gaze from the ground and stared at her teary eyed and said in a trembling voice,"Hanna, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I hurt you, Summer and Grandma." Hanna gazed at him and softly said,"I'm not gonna lie. What you did really hurt Summer and me. You're better than that. But I appreciate you for apologising though." Ben smiled on hearing her words then said,"Hanna, there's something I should have told you a long time ago. You, Summer and my sister were born on the same day and dad had swapped the three of you because you and Summer were born in a rich family." Hanna's eyes widened on hearing this and with surprise lacing her voice she said,"What did you just say? But how since you had one sister so why did your dad take Summer and I." Ben on seeing her distress, softly said,"Dad said Summer was for reassurance and he even told the nurse to say she had died and the nurse agreed as she was dad and mom's friend." Hanna stared at him as his words registered in her head, then she opened the door and left the room in a hurry. Ben on seeing her retreating figure stared at the floor with saddened eyes.

Christian who was standing in the corridor turned to face the door as he had it open. His eyes collided with Hanna's teary ones making his heart clench in pain seeing the pain and confusion in her eyes.
His feet carried him towards her and on reaching her, he gently grasped her shoulders. Hanna looked at him and asked,"How much did you hear?" Christian answered her, saying,"I didn't mean to eavesdrop." In a worried tone he said,"Are you okay." Instead of answering his question Hanna said,"If Summer and I really are Mr Reeve's granddaughters, then that means Nancy is-" she didn't finish the sentence as if afraid her words might come true. Christian on seeing the fear in her eyes gently said,"Let's go home. You need to rest." Hanna nodded in agreement and they both left the hospital.

The scene changed to show Nancy and Vincent laying on a queen sized bed. Vincent was preoccupied with working on his laptop while Nancy was engrossed on her phone . Nancy giggled softly and said,"What is this?" Vincent glanced at what she was looking at and said,"That is a peasant burger." Suddenly Nancy's phone started ringing. Swiftly, she answered the call and brought the phone to her ear and whispered saying,"You have the results?" Before the person on the other end could answer she said,"Hold on
" Turning to Vincent she said,"I'll be right back." Then she got out of the bed and left the room. On reaching the corridor, she commanded,"Speak." On getting the greenlight the person said,"The samples from Mr Reeve were a match, and the sample you gave me had no relation to them." Nancy shouted out,"What?! That's Impossible!" Biting her nails, the gears in her head started turning and she hesitantly said,"umm... Switch the the two female samples. I'll give you an extra million." The doctor took a deep breath and with hesitation in his voice said,"I don't know. I'm risking a lot here." Nancy then angrily said,"Fine. Three million!" The doctor then wavered and said,"Okay. I'll do that." Nancy then hung up the call after getting him to agree. Taking a deep breath, she entered the room and staring at Vincent said,"Vincent..." Vincent answered distractedly,"Mm-hmm?" Continuing she said,"Would you still love me if I wasn't a Reeve?" This seemed to garner his attention as he stared at Nancy  surprised and asked,"What?" Then on seeing Nancy's serious expression said,"Of course. Yeah. I'm not after your money." His answer drew a smile from Nancy as she nervously brushed her hair behind her ear and said,"Okay."

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