twenty one.

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Curled up on the couch, Harper held her phone in a death grip. Her knuckles turned white as she stared down at the stubbornly dark screen. It had been at least a couple of hours since the horrible accident that landed Miguel in the hospital, and she was desperate for some information.

Whoever said that no news was good news couldn't have been more wrong.

She nervously chewed on her bottom lip, her anxious energy making her unable to sit still. The front door opened and pulled her out of her mind. She put her phone down in her lap and listened to the conversation that took place in the next room.

"Where is she?" Olivia's voice was shaky and panicked as she entered the kitchen to where Lucas was drinking his third or fourth cup of coffee.

"Liv, she's fine," Lucas said calmly, placing the cup down on the countertop. He came around the island and put his hands on her arms to steady her. "She's in the living room. Resting. It's been... honestly, it's been a shitty day."

"She's okay? Are you sure? You told me that Harper was in that fight, too. That she got hurt, that-"

"I promise that she's okay. I had the nurse look her over before we left and other than a few cuts and bruises, she'll live."

"The nurse? Lucas, she should've gone to the hospital! Who knows what kind of injuries she's sustained from fighting. She could be-"

"I'm okay." Harper entered the kitchen with her phone still gripped in her hand. Still desperately waiting for someone, anyone to call her and tell her that Miguel would be okay.

Olivia's eyes filled up with unshed tears as she took in the injuries in her face. "Oh, honey." She crossed the kitchen and pulled her into a big hug. It was anyone's guess on whether it was supposed to comfort Olivia or Harper. Perhaps it was meant for both of them. "I was worried sick. I heard about some fight at your school and then Lucas called to tell me that... are you sure you're okay? We can still go to the hospital and get you checked out."

"No, I'm fine. I swear." She mustered up a small smile that felt as strained as it must've looked. But the truth was, she was fine. Other than a few superficial injuries, there was nothing wrong with her. At least, not physically. Emotionally, though? She was pretty shaken up. Like always, she tried to reign in that fear. Lock it away along with every other horrible experience she's ever had.

Olivia pursed her lips, wanting to say more but choosing not to. She sank down onto the stool as exhaustion took its toll.

"I'm sorry," Harper started. "I'm so sorry for everything. For the fight and for getting mixed up in all of this but I had to do something to help my friends. They were in trouble and I couldn't watch as they got hurt. But I'm really, really sorry for giving you more to worry about."

"We're not thrilled about the fighting but we're just glad that you're okay," Olivia said with a warm smile that seemed to take some of the fear away from her. "But is it true that some kid was taken to the hospital?" She looked toward Lucas for confirmation, her smile falling at the news as he filled her in on that day's treacherous events.

"Robby didn't mean to hurt Miguel. It was all just a horrible accident and he feels really bad about what happened, " Harper said.

"Robby did this?" Olivia asked, unable to wrap her head around it.

"If it was an accident then he shouldn't have run. It makes him look more guilty," Lucas said. "The cops are already looking for him so he's going to have to answer for what he did some or later."

"How much trouble is he in?" Harper forced herself to ask.

"Well," Lucas said with a sigh. "I'm not sure but I'm guessing it depends on whether Miguel's okay and of his family wants to press charges. But it'll be worse if he doesn't turn up so if you see or talk to him, tell him to stop running."

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