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After hours of waiting, Naruto began to complain, striding to the door and glancing both ways down the hallway. "He's late," he whined, earning a slight scream of frustration from Sakura. She tried to calm him down, but Naruto had a valid point: why was their teacher late? "Naruto, calm down," Sakura scolded, shaking her head in annoyance as she leaned against the desk, observing the chaos unfolding. Meanwhile, Sasuke was lost in thought, unsure of what to think or feel in this situation.

As this unfolded, Sana leaned back in her chair, a small smirk playing on her lips. She had a feeling Naruto was about to pull something funny, something that could either get him or all of them in trouble. "Why is our squad teacher late?!" he repeated, echoing the thoughts of everyone in the room. It was making their squad teacher look bad, and since he represented them, it struck a nerve.

"Hey! What are you doing, Naruto?!" Sakura shouted, snapping Sana out of her daydream. She watched Naruto place a dirty eraser between the slightly opened door before smirking widely. Sakura couldn't help but admit that she enjoyed the antics; pranks like these taught their teacher a lesson and fueled Naruto's mischief even further. Trying to stifle a laugh, they all watched as a tall, grey-haired man finally walked in. Both the hyuga and Uchihas recognized him from their previous encounters, and Sana's brow twitched as they observed him. The room fell silent as the eraser fell on his head, and they all stared at him, waiting for his reaction.

"Um, how can I put this..." he began, scratching his chin as he paused to think. "As for my first impression of you guys? Well, I hate you," he stated solemnly, causing the four genins to deadpan at his unexpected comment before exchanging puzzled looks.


As the five of them made their way up to the roof, Kakashi leaned on the railing, observing his students. On one hand, he was somewhat excited to hear their introductions, but on the other, he could already foresee the personality clashes that might arise within this team. While he had read information about Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, he knew little about Sana, sparking his curiosity.

"Now, how about we introduce ourselves?" Kakashi spoke in his usual calm tone, a small smile gracing his lips as he watched them settle down, ready to begin. "What should we say?" asked Sakura, prompting nods from the others as they awaited their leader's guidance.

"Well, your likes and dislikes, your future dreams, hobbies, things like that!" Kakashi explained cheerfully, prompting some thoughtful contemplation from the group. This made Sana pause for a moment; she realized she didn't have many defined likes or dislikes, which caught her off guard. "Damn, not even I know myself," she mumbled to herself, feeling a twinge of self-awareness.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I like instant ramen in a cup and i really like the ramen iruka sensei got me at the ichiraku noodle shop, but i hate the three minutes you have to wait after you pour the water in the ramen cup. my hobby is eating different kinds of ramen and comparing them and my future dream is , to be the greatest hokage! then the whole village will stop disrespecting me and start treating me like im somebody, somebody important!" Naruto exclaimed enthusiastically, his passion for his dream evident in his voice. Kakashi observed him thoughtfully, pondering the boy's aspirations.

Turning his attention to Sakura, Kakashi watched as she struggled to express herself, her gaze repeatedly darting towards Sasuke. "I'm Sakura Haruno. What I like... um," she paused, her cheeks turning a faint pink hue as she cast glances towards Sasuke, her shy demeanor taking over. "I mean, the person I like is..." Her voice trailed off, her attention now fully focused on Sasuke. "Uh... my hobby is... um..." she squealed, unable to contain herself as her gaze remained fixed on Sasuke. "My dream for the future is..." Sakura trailed off again, unable to finish her sentence as her face turned crimson.

Sana sat there, a disinterested expression on her face as she found Sakura's behavior annoying and transparent. She learned nothing about Sakura besides her obvious crush on Sasuke. Looking away, Sana scratched her neck, a small sweat drop forming on the side of her face.

"I see... Next!" Kakashi said, his smile faltering momentarily as he tried to push aside Sakura's confession.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha," Sasuke began, his tone clipped and distant. "There are a lot of things I dislike, and I don't really like anything. I can't really call it a dream, but I have an ambition: the resurrection of my clan and... to get rid of a certain man." Sasuke's words hung heavy in the air, his expression void of emotion as he stared at the floor. Kakashi observed his demeanor closely, noting the intensity in his gaze and the weight behind his words.

Sana couldn't help but notice Sasuke's detached demeanor as well. Her brows furrowed slightly as she listened to his introduction, her mind racing with questions. Was he digging himself into a path of darkness? Would he eventually find a way out? And was there any way she could help him avoid that path? Shaking her head slightly, she pushed aside her thoughts and straightened her posture, determined to focus on the task at hand.

Sana hesitated for a moment, collecting her thoughts before speaking. "My name is Sana Hyuga," she began, her voice steady and composed. "I don't have any particular likes or dislikes, but I find solace in training and honing my skills. My dream for the future is to become a shinobi respected for my strength and wisdom, and to protect those I care about." she admitted, her gaze flickering briefly towards Sasuke before settling back on Kakashi. "But I'm determined to find my path, whatever it may be." With that, she fell silent, her demeanor reflecting a sense of introspection and determination.

Kakashi observed the determined look on Sana's face, despite her usual expressionlessness, and nodded approvingly at all of his students' introductions. "Thats great to hear," he began, "I'm sure you guys will achieve all these goals in your own ways."

Then, leaning forward, he continued, "As for now, I'll see you guys tomorrow! Show up at the training grounds at 7 am, and we will go through our first team assignment."

As the four students got up to leave, Sana narrowed her eyes slightly at him, her arms crossed over her chest as she stared intently. "Did you put me in this team? And we didn't get your name," she questioned stoically.

Kakashi smiled beneath his mask at Sana's directness, appreciating her straightforward approach. "Yes, I did have a hand in forming this team," he admitted with a slight tilt of his head. "And you're correct, I haven't introduced myself properly. I'm Kakashi Hatake, your sensei. It's a pleasure to meet you too, Hyuga-san." With that, he bid them farewell as they left the rooftop, each one lost in their own thoughts and anticipation for the challenges that lay ahead.

"As the winds of change whisper tales of destiny, may our bonds strengthen, and our paths intertwine, for in unity lies our greatest strength."

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