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~Time Skip~

Moldaver had finished telling Lucy the truth behind Vault-Tec and her father, she looked over at the ghoul tied to the chair, "this is Rose" Moldaver said sadly, "Mom..." Lucy whispered as I looked down, "I said this is Rose...not your mother" Moldaver said as my head shot up. "Too far," I said stepping in front of Lucy, "Y/n..." my father said, I didn't even look at him, "she needs to know the truth Y/n" Moldaver said, "she's not ready to know the truth," I said, "what? What could be any more shocking than everything else?!" Lucy shouted, "Y/n is your mother," Moldaver said as I closed my eyes and groaned. "W-What?" she asked and I turned to look at her. "You're my mother?" she asked as the tears fell, "Yeah" I nodded, "a-and that...that Ghoul, he's..." she trailed off, "yeah" I nodded again as she inhaled and licked her lips. "You may have given birth to me..." she said as I looked at her, "but I will never be your mom," I told her as she nodded. "I know, I've said those exact words before, which is why I'm not hurt by them. I can't be a mother...I live in a fucked world where my father...lied and told me my husband was dead" I said.

"I may not be your mom...but I'm okay with being your sister if you'll allow it," I said as she exhaled, "I need some time to think about that," she said as I nodded. Just then explosions went off. The Brotherhood was here. 

~A little time later~

Maximus had gotten Dad out of the cage Moldaver was in, and Dad got in his power armor. Maximus then attacked Dad because Lucy told him that Dad was responsible for Shady Sands being bombed, dad retaliated by slamming Maximus against the wall and Maximus passed out. Lucy aimed her gun at Dad, " wouldn't shoot me, would you?" he asked as I looked at him and her. She lowered her gun, "I will" I growled as he looked at me, I could practically see his heart sink, he then kicked me into the wall. The air got knocked out of me as I hit the wall. I gasped as I fell onto the ground. That's when I heard a gunshot, I tried to get air back in my lungs again as I saw Dad looking at the door by my feet, dads face had a cut on it now, "Well, now ain't this just a big ass family reunion?" I knew the voice, I groaned slightly, "Y/n, darlin' you okay?" Cooper asked not taking his eyes off my dad, "he fuckin' hurt me Coop" I growled, "yeah well, you deserved it" he simply said, "fucker" I grumbled, "I've been waiting too many damn years for to ask one of you fuckers this" Cooper cocked his gun and aimed it my dads head. "Where's my goddamn Janey?" he growled, my dad just smirked, activated the jetpack on the power armor, and flew off. I coughed as I grabbed my gun and got up. "You're welcome," Cooper said as I walked past him, "I didn't need help" I growled as I kneeled next to Lucy, "Lucy, I know you're worried about Maximus, and I know, Cooper and I are probably the last people you want to be with right now because we lied to you...but we need to go" I said as she looked at me.

"If they catch the three of us here...they will kill us," I told her as she blinked a few times. "Lucy," I said as I grabbed her arm, she jolted and blinked as if coming back from wherever she went, "We have to leave," I said sternly, she grabbed her gun, shot the ghoul Rose in the head and we all left. Several days had passed, and we were following Dad's trail, traversing across the hot wasteland sun was unbearable, and none of us were talking to one another. Eventually, we came upon a town. 

I groaned as I fell onto a bed. "So comfy" I whispered as I reveled in the mattress under me, it wasn't the greatest thing in the world, but it was the comfiest thing I had ever been on right now. Lucy sat on the other bed, her back facing us. I propped my head up with my hands and stared at her. Suddenly, she ripped her Pip-Boy off and threw it hard against the wooden wall, there was a small hole in the wall now. "Feel better?" I asked as she sighed and shook her head. "Yeah...never gets any better knowin' your life is built on lies," I said getting up, "you're one to talk" Cooper mumbled under his breath as I glared at him. I walked over to her and picked up the Pip-Boy, "what, you gonna give me a motherly talk?" she asked as I shook my head, "I'm not your mom any more than Cooper over there is a piece of shit" I said, "hey...don't bring me into your shit, I didn't fuckin' know you were pregnant" he said as I looked at him, "I didn't either, I told you, dad said I started showing while I was in cryo. I woke up pregnant!" I said, he just scoffed and looked out the window, he had the nagging feeling someone or something was following us. 

"Look, I'm gonna be honest Lucy, I didn't want to raise you in a Vault, constantly wondering who your father is. I wanted you to have what I couldn't...both parents being present for all your firsts...I don't regret my decision. But you have entered my life as my sister so you are kind of stuck with me for the rest of your life, regardless we're Macleans" I said as she sighed, "actually, you're a Howard" she said pointing to the ring and I chuckled placing my fingers on the small band. "Not really, we never actually, got married...just engaged", "Yeah who's fault is that?" he grumbled, "Vault-Tecs," I said as he nodded, "true" he whispered as I chuckled. "What are you gonna do when you find dad?" she asked as I sighed, "I'm gonna find my daughter...Cooper may not want anything to do with me...hell...he may not even love me anymore and that's okay...but I can't just walk away from Janey" I said. 

Leaving Heaven ~Sequel to We'll Meet Again~Where stories live. Discover now