•Chapter8• New friends?

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Y/N's p.o.v

'i should've seen this coming ' I thought as I bit my lip. As soon as I had entered the cafeteria and found an empty seat, students started coming to my table. I was basically surrounded by a bunch of kids asking me to sit with them for lunch. Like hell, I don't even know who these kids are and they're asking me to sit with them. First go learn some manners TwT. "Could you all leave?" I said in my monotone voice and they all seemed to listen to me and went back to whatever they were doing.

"It is really difficult to be popular, isn't it?" An oh so familiar voice said to me.

"Yeah" I said in a sarcastic voice.

He took a seat right in front of me.

"So, how does it feel to come first?" He started a conversation.

"Really bad. People are always challenging you when you come first. I don't understand why they do this." I explained. He hummed.

"Is that really how it feels? I always thought coming first gives you pride and confidence" he wondered.

"It sure does but it gives you a lot of pressure too you know. You have to keep maintaining your image once you come first " I replied

"Hmm. I always thought that it feels nice, but maybe it's not all that great" He said in his monotone voice.

"Ohh believe me it is not great at all" I said as a chuckle escaped from my lips.

"Hmm. But anyways dont you want to eat something?" He asked.

"I was...umm.. waiting for you" I said rather embarrassed by the fact I didn't know a single food because I've never ate it.

"Why?" He asked while tilting his head to the side.

"Well you see uhmm... since I don't know a thing about Japanese food I was hoping maybe you could help me a bit" I stated.

"Well, how can I help you exactly?" He questioned in his monotone voice.

"By telling me about the food and how it tasts?" I suggested.

"Sure." He said.

"Thank you," I replied, relieved. Todoroki was always calm and composed, making it easier to ask him for help.

We got up and went to get our tray of food. As we were close to our turn todoroki saw all the food available and said

"Let's start with something simple. Have you tried onigiri before?"

I shook my head. "No, I haven't."

"Onigiri are rice balls, usually filled with something like tuna, salmon, or pickled plum, and wrapped in seaweed. They're pretty basic but taste really good." He paused, considering. "And miso soup is a staple. It's a broth made with fermented soybean paste, tofu, and seaweed."

"That sounds interesting," I said, trying to picture the taste.

We got our trays ready and went back to our table. I stared at it, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Try the onigiri first," he suggested, picking up his own.

I followed his lead, taking a bite. The flavors were simple yet comforting. "This is really good," I admitted.

Todoroki nodded. "I'm glad you like it. Now, try the miso soup."

I took a careful sip, savoring the warmth and the unique taste of the broth. "This is nice, too. It's different from anything I've had before."

We continued sampling the various dishes. As we ate, I realized how comfortable I felt with Todoroki. Despite his quiet demeanor, he had a way of making everything seem less daunting.

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