chapter 1

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We're continuing this story on the account xxohanni because she's the one writing the majority of the chapters and she deserves the credit.

Go to her account to read the updated and continued version of this fanfic!! she writes awesome stuff!!


alter pov

The summer in Sweden was always beautiful. The warm sun would shine on Walters face and it would reflect on the lake near his house.

But the thing he was most excited about this summer was spending time with Henry, his best friend.

Last school year, during the Simon and Wille drama, he had discovered that there may be more to him than he originally thought. He had seen the way Simon and Wille looked at each other and realized that he'd never looked at someone like that. As least not a girl. He wondered if there was something wrong with him.

The doorbell rang loudly and Walter, who was just laying in bed reading, felt his heart beating faster excitedly.

He ran down the stairs and opened the door energetically. In front of him stood Henry. His red hair shaping his face beautifully, making Walter instantly smile.

Henry flashed a smile, showing his teeth and said:"What's up?"

But before Walter could answer his mother came around the corner greeting Henry warmly.

"Hey darling, did you have a safe journey here?"

Henry's attention turned to Walters mother.

"Yes, thank you. How are you doing, Greta?"

"I'm doing quite well, even better now that you're here Walter couldn't stop talking about your arrival."

Walter felt a little red creeping on his cheeks, embarrassed by the words of his mother.

"Well, I am very excited as well!"

Henry smiled at Walter. His eyes lighting up making Walter see the Jade colour even more.

"How about you help Henry settle in? We will do our traditional barbecue later!"

Walter took one of Henry's suitcases.

"You know the way", he winked letting Henry go first.

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