chapter 2

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Henry pov

When he arrived at Walters house, Henry immediately felt a wave of familiarity and safety. He'd been here so often during the summer that it felt like home to him, especially when his own home didn't.

Walter and him walked to Walters room to unpack his things for the upcoming weeks and they set up his mattress on the floor.

As Walter helped him unpack his things they started talking about the summer. They definitely wanted to go swimming a lot.

When they were done and the barbecue wasn't ready yet, they sat on the couch in the living room. Walters mom was preparing the barbecue in the garden and his dad was getting the drinks.

"How's your dad been lately?" Henry asked. Walter shook his head, "It's been fine. Not too bad, at least."

It was obvious he didn't want to talk about his father, so Henry changed the topic.

"I'm so glad the rumors about Wille and Simon finally calmed down a bit. I still feel so bad for them."

"Yeah, same. It was hell for everyone. I think it outed a lot of people as homophobes."

Henry was thinking about the kids he heard saying that being gay was a sin and all of that crap. It had really upset him at the time, but he didn't know how to handle it.

Suddenly Walters mom called for the barbecue. They went outside and sat themselves on one of the benches.

"Stop sitting around and help me set the table."

Henry took one of the plates with sausages placing it on the table, Walter got the forks.

Walters father walked out of the door a glass in his hand.

"Henry, my boy", his voice was raspy and he could smell the alcohol from miles away.

"Hello, it is nice seeing you again."

Walters Dad tripped over his feet, cursing loudly.

"Oh sweetie, let's sit you down" Greta went to help her husband sit down.

Henry knew he had a drinking problem, but that it had gone this far.. He looked at Walter who just stared at his hands still holding the forks.

As Walters dad was safely put on the bench, ever one else followed.

"I'm sorry Henry, I don't think this will be like the summers you have known here", Walter whispered quietly so only Henry could hear him.

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