Chapter three

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walter pov

As Walter laid in his bed his thoughts trailed off. It would be different this summer, he was sure of it.

"It has gotten worse, hasn't it?", Walter could hear Henry whisper those words from next to him. He was on his mattress cuddled up in his blanket. It didn't matter how hot it could be he always needed a blanket.

The words Henry said gave Walter a stinging feeling in his chest. He didn't want it to be true, but hearing Henry say it made the truth even more obvious. Of course it had gotten worse. His father couldn't help but drown himself in alcohol.

"It's..It's whatever"

Walter whispered back. He didn't want to talk about it with Henry right now. It was summer! They should enjoy different things and not think about their family problems.

A thick silence was between them and Walter thought that maybe Henry was pissed off, but just minutes later he heard the quiet snoring of him, telling Walter he was asleep.


Mornings were something Walter wasn't a fan of. He hated mornings in Hillerska and hated mornings in the holidays. He wanted to stay in bed all day and just sleep. He couldn't help but always feel tired.
But with Henry next to him he couldn't do it.

The pillow smacked him in the face pulling him out of his dreams.
"Wake up. Your mom says Breakfast is ready!"

Henry stood next to him already fully dressed and Walter couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked. His eyes trailed over Henry's face taking in the sharp lines of his nose and jaw, and lingering on his lips for a few seconds, until he looked over his clothes. He wore a green shirt and some jeans.

"Stop staring, you're weird", said Henry suddenly.

What was wrong with him? Staring at his best friend? Walter didn't know, but being called out made it even more embarrassing. He didn't know why he stared at Henry, but there was something about him.. They way his lips were curled and the sharp bridge of his nose..
He had to stop! Henry was his best friend. His best friend since they were born. He couldn't possibly think about him like that. And what does 'like that' even mean?

The way Wilhelm and Simon thought about eachother? Did they have those thoughts about eachother? Seeing eachother and admiring. Admiring my best friend is normal, Walter thought. It wasn't wrong.

He could think Henry handsome. He could look at his hands and wish them on his face, cupping his cheeks, leaning in closer and..

No! There was something wrong with Walter. Definitely. And not in the way that possibly being attracted to boys was wrong. He accepted Wilhelm and Simon. But he? He was straight! He liked girls, even though he never actually liked one, but they're attractive.. They have pretty eyes? Walter liked green eyes. Green eyes on a girl are nice..

"Hello? Henry to Walter!", fingers snapped in front of Walters eyes,"Get yourself out of bed!"
Walter groaned but gave in. Henry walked out of the room already going down stairs.

While Walter changed into his clothes he thought about what happened earlier. He thought about himself and didn't realized that Henry also had stared at him unusually long.

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