-𝐌𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞-

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Summary: In the kingdom Candleshade Prince Keefe holds a deep secret he had been cursed by an evil sorceress Lady Gisela to become a werewolf under the light of the full moon. Only true love can break the curse. One night while he was prowling through the woods nearby the palace as a wolf he comes across a beautiful girl named Sophie. She has the most beautiful blonde hair and brown eyes with tiny golden flecks. He falls in love with her. When Sophie spots him there is no fear in her eyes. 



In the mystical Kingdom of Candleshade, a curse hung over the royal family. Prince Keefe, the heir to the throne, carried a secret burden known only to him—a curse that turned him into a werewolf under the full moon. Lady Gisela, an evil sorceress, had cast this malevolent spell on him. The only way to break the curse was through true love, a love that was pure and unwavering.

On a moonlit night, Prince Keefe roamed the woods surrounding the palace in his lupine form. His fur glistened silver under the moon's gentle caress, and his amber eyes held a hint of sorrow that mirrored the weight of his curse. As he navigated the shadowed maze of ancient trees, his keen senses picked up a delicate scent—a fragrance so sweet and entrancing that it stirred something long forgotten within him. The stars twinkled like diamond dust in the velvet sky, adding to the magical atmosphere of the night.

Keefe followed the enchanting scent to a moonlit clearing where he found Sophie, a vision of ethereal beauty. She had cascading blonde locks that shimmered like spun gold and eyes the color of rich earth with specks of hidden stardust. Bathed in the moon's silvery light, Sophie's presence was like a beacon of pure light in the darkness that threatened to envelop Keefe's soul.

Sophie faced the approaching werewolf with a gaze devoid of fear, only a curious wonder shining in her eyes like flickering candle flames. "Who are you?" she whispered, her voice as soft as a summer breeze, its melody tugging at the prince's heart.

Keefe was torn between his human and animal instincts. His wolfen form twitched and snarled, yearning to approach her, to touch her, to feel her soft skin against its rough pelt. However, his human side, the part that remembered love and longing, held him back.

The girl cautiously approached; her hand outstretched towards the creature. "You're beautiful," she whispered, barely audible over the sounds of nature. "What are you?"

Keefe felt a pang in his heart as he grappled with the weight of his curse. He longed to confide in her, to lay bare the truth, but the fear of her reaction kept him silent. He understood that unveiling his secret could mean losing her and condemning himself to a perpetual struggle between his human and wolf sides.

As Sophie turned to face the approaching werewolf, there was no fear in her gaze, only a curious wonder that danced in her eyes like flickering candle flames. "Who are you?" she whispered, her voice as soft as a summer breeze, carrying a melody that tugged at the prince's heart.

Keefe felt a surge of emotions he thought long lost to him. With a low, rumbling growl that held no malice, he replied in a voice that echoed in the stillness of the night, "I am Keefe, cursed prince of Candleshade."

Sophie's eyes widened in recognition, her hand reaching out tentatively towards the beast before her. "You are not a monster to me, Keefe," she said, her voice filled with compassion. "I see the pain in your eyes, the loneliness that haunts you. How can I help?"

The prince, touched by her words and the gentle warmth of her touch, dared to hope for a fleeting moment. "I am cursed to walk as a beast under the moon's gaze," he confessed, the weight of his words heavy with longing. "But it is said that true love can break the chains that bind me. Will you help me, Sophie? Will you show me what love truly means?"

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