A step by step guide to giving someone trust issues

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Chapter 3 - A step by step guide to giving someone trust issues
Steve's perspective

After some planning, I found myself sneaking into the US files. Scrolling through doesns of files, I found the file.

2648 - The Howling Commandos

After flipping through a few documents, I found exactly what I was looking for. The address of Dum Dum Dugan.

Returning the file, I crept out of the file room and onto the street. I needed to track down Dugan.

As I rode in the back of the cab, I thought about what I was doing. I was going after Dugan, but who was I really going after. I tried to tell myself that it was just reuniting with my friend, but even I had to admit that I was just going to him because he knew where Peggy was. When I was in the file room, who had I looked for first? Not the howlies. I'd gone straight to the earlier section for Carter. What does it matter if I still loves her? She definitely has a man already. It had been years! But either way, It wouldn't hurt to try.

After about 10 minutes, my cab pulled up to an apartment. According to the file, 5B is where I should go. I thanked the cabbie and got out. After doing a lot of stairs, I walked up to a door. Gathering my courage, I brought my hand to his door. Two swift knocks. Footsteps inside. A hand on the doorknob. And then he was there. In front of me. Just staring.

“Steve? That you?” He stammered.

“Yeah. It's me.”


“It's a long story” I rub my neck.

“Huh.” After a long conversation, I quietly asked,

“Dum Dum?”


“Where does agent Carter live?”

“1254 Cotton Grove avenue. Shes borrowing one of Starks places. Got a friend with her.”

No teasing, just an answer. In a way I was thankful for that.

“Thank you, really.”

“No problem Cap. And look, I've got an extra bedroom in the back,” he said, leaning against his door.

“If you need a place to stay while you get on your feet, my door is always open.”

“Thanks again. I may just take you up on that offer.”

And with that, I said my goodbyes and turned to go. Oh my lord. I have Peggy's address. I know where she is. I called a cab and told them where. I was going to see her again.

After a long ride, I climbed out in front of a large home. I had just seen a blondish-brunette exit, and figured that was the friend Dugan mentioned.
Shaking, I ascended the short staircase. I lifted my arm, hardly able to Even do that. I sighed, and hit my fist against the door. Hearing the doorknob jiggle, I almost fainted. As the door pulled open, I saw her. Peggy Carter was right in front of me.

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