An Unexpected Encounter

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Hello, I'm back! (With a fever but hey at least I get some time off because of it that I can use to write.) This oneshot is a highly requested sequel to my Artificer x reader and cheiftain scavenger x reader. The people that wanted this story are Hasnurg and SamoyedBoi is the one who gave me the name ideas of Kitkat and Sunset. This oneshot will be a bit shorter since I'm sick right now and don't have much energy, but it's something. Also, the image of the scavenger and slugcat is not mine and was stolen from reddit. Anyways, enjoy!

The sky was unusually clear, promising that the rain would be delayed that cycle. A scavenger rummaged around a pile of rubble, looking for materials to turn into useful tools. Suddenly, she felt something warm against her hand. Pulling it out of the mountain of scraps for fear that she had just disturbed a lizard, Sunset jumped backwards. She waited for something to emerge from the pile, spear in hand. She briefly considered running but she had to know what it was. After a moment, a small face poked out of the rubble, glaring at her. "Do you mind?" It said in annoyance, growling at her. "I'm trying to find some food for my family-" Suddenly, they cut off as they noticed that the creature that stood before them was a scavenger and not another slugcat. Their eyes grew with terror as they scanned Sunset with fear and distrust. "Aaah, please don't hurt me...!" They stammered, trying to scramble out of the debris to run away. Sunset blinked a few times in confusion. This was definitely not the slugcat who had been killing all the scavengers and quickly making her way towards the metropolis. If it was, she would have been dead the moment she had accidentally made contact with them. "I'm not gonna hurt you as long as you don't hurt me. You're not that slugcat, right? I mean, you seem like too much of a coward but-" The slugcat continued to growl at her, now walking towards her until they were within fighting distance. "Who you calling a coward?" they asked, suddenly becoming a lot more menacing. Sunset was beginning to believe that perhaps they were the Artificer after all with how terrifying they were. "Nothing! Nothing at all! I wasn't calling you a coward!" "Good. Also, why are you acting so afraid of me? Am I really that scary? I thought my girlfriend was the scary one to scavengers!"

Sunset stared at them for several moments before she spoke again. "I'm sorry, but your girlfriend wouldn't happen to be the Artificer, right?" They nodded, blushing slightly at the mention of her name. "Yeah, but so what? You scavengers had it coming." Sunset was tempted to run but knew that she could get important information by staying and questioning this slugcat. Deciding to ignore their rude comment, she figured she should at least ask their name. "So, do you have a title or are you a slugcat who doesn't have one and uses a normal name? I at least wanna know who I'm talking to. By the way, I'm Sunset." They hesitated for a moment before replying. This slugcat certainly had an... unusual name to put it lightly. "Kitkat," they said, looking away with embarrassment. Sunset had to try to stop herself from laughing at that name but was unsuccessful. Kitkat? I'm no expert on slugcat titles but I'm pretty sure that's unusual! "Well, Kitkat..." she laughed, having given up trying to contain her amusement. "Can you tell me more about your girlfriend?" Kitkat grumbled, clearly annoyed. "She's a really strong fighter and you scavengers should just back off. She's gonna win if you don't surrender. We're actually getting pretty close to the metrop-" They cut off as they said that, realising that they had disclosed too much information. Sunset frowned at that. "She's getting close to the metropolis...? Oh gosh, this is worse than I thought..." Kitkat glared at her, looking as if they were staring right at their worst enemy. Just then, something occurred to Sunset. "Wait, why's Artificer doing this anyways?" "Because some scavengers killed her pups, obviously!" She shook her head, holding up her hands in defeat. "no, I mean why is she still doing it even though her pups are fine?" Kitkat tilted their head, confused. "What do you mean?" Sunset sighed. This was all just one big misunderstanding, wasn't it...?

Kitkat stared at her, clearly waiting for her to elaborate. Sunset took a moment to consider her words carefully. "Well, there's this thing called the cycle that revives creatures if they die. Pups take a bit longer to revive but after they're about a week old they are able to revive. So, Artificer's pups are alive. Did she not know about the cycle?" They blinked at her a few times before running off, presumably to go find their mate. Sunset wanted to run but she couldn't. This was possibly the only chance to make the angry mother understand.

Several minutes later, Kitkat returned with another slugcat. One that had been described to her by many scavengers unfortunate enough to meet the notorious killer. Sunset swallowed nervously as the crimson-furred slugcat approached her, holding a spear tightly. "So, you say my pups are alive? Why should I believe you?" Artificer whispered menacingly. Her voice was not loud but it was even more threatening that way. Sunset kept her eyes fixed on Artificer, not wanting to look away and give her an attack window. "You don't have to believe me. It is true, though. There have even been sightings of two pups in the garbage wastes that have explosive powers." Artificer's remaining eye grew large with shock as she said this, not sure if she spoke the truth. She lowered her spear, seeming to want to hear what Sunset had to say. Kitkat's mouth hung open as they stammered slightly. Have neither of them ever died before...? Eventually, Artificer spoke again. "I can't just believe that. I'll need proof. From your chieftain himself." Sunset seemed shocked that the explosive slugcat wanted to get the chieftain involved. She shook her head, her pearl earrings making soft clanking noises as she did so. "I'm sorry but I can't do that. I refuse to let you speak to my partner. You might try to just fight him." Artificer growled at that and Kitkat picked up her discarded spear, pointing it at Sunset. She backed up several paces, trying to make herself look like less of a threat. They must not like that I'm so close with the chieftain... Artificer took the spear back from Kitkat, shaking her head. "We can't kill her, dear. She knows too much information that we need. She knows where the chieftain is." They grumbled a bit in annoyance, a frown across their face. "But she won't tell us where the chieftain is! We're just gonna have to get the information out of her."

They began to back Sunset into the back of an alleyway. She had dropped her spear to seem like less of a threat and had no way to defend herself. That being said, there was no way she could take on Artificer anyways. She was pressed against the heavily graffitied wall, trying to breathe steadily. A group of scavengers often came here to harvest bluefruit so they would likely arrive within the hour. All Sunset had to do was keep them distracted until then. She racked her brain for something to say to distract them. 

"Wait, I'm not gonna tell you where the chieftain is even though I know you wanna hear it from him. I could just tell you where the pups were sighted, though! A few scavengers saw them near the toll by the garbage waste tribe's camp. I know you might not believe me but it's true!" Kitkat growled at her. Their eyes flashed with anger. "Just tell us where the chief-" However, they were cut off by a scavenger quickly approaching them. It was the chieftain. He pushed the two slugcats aside and rushed over to Sunset, standing by her protectively. "What's going on?" he asked with concern. Artificer slowly walked over to where he stood, spear lowered. "Sunset here tells us that my children are not gone. Is this true? She claims that they are somewhere in the garbage wastes." The chieftain nodded. He was doing his best to stay calm despite standing before the one who had killed hundreds of scavengers. "It is true. We have a few scavengers keeping track of where they are so we know their exact location. I'd be more than willing to tell you if you will stop trying to hunt my kind down and we can be at peace."

 Artificer nodded without a second thought. She wanted to see her pups again more than anything else in the world. The chieftain seemed pleased with this reaction. "Go to the toll near the wastes tribe. It's the one where, well... the incident that separated you from your pups took place. I'll alert the scavengers there that you will be arriving so they will not try to fight you as long as you do not attack them. And after you have them back, you have no excuse to attack a scavenger anymore, understood?" Artificer turned to leave, nodding again. She seemed shocked. "Yes, I understand. Come on, Kitkat, we should go back to the pup now. They're probably wondering where we are since we're not usually out so late." Kitkat quickly caught up with her and they walked back to the shelter they were staying at together. "Do you think this will really work?" Sunset asked, holding the chieftain scavenger's hand tight. "I really hope so..."

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