Alas! Unto Thinkers I bid thee Welcome!

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There is a place not like unto anything I have desired; but a planet and this planet we call Earth. It could be a rock it could be a plane it could be an electric grid it could be a soccer field it could be an ocean it could be a wide and bustling City it could be a monumentous cascading range of mountains and then all these things when they align create the planet Earth.

There was once a city... This place was ruled by those who had a harmonious way of thinking, these beings lived alike and shared different dreams, all intrinsic to similar values, this was a place void of corruption, void of vile and sick thoughts, plans and deeds, how could this exist?

Was a utopia so hard to really establish? Not quite.. we are ennammered by responsibility, by burden, we are sickened by our relations and our congruent and incongruent idealisms. Why would we ever create something so beautiful for it to be torn down again?

What is it when we lose our way we decide to do it again, another day? What is the thing that keeps the spark alive, that sets us apart from the hive? Why do we go to school, only to act a fool? Why do we pursue dreams? Only to be broken at the seams. It seems a gleam was brought to your eye, when you discovered man was not meant to lie. It seems a gleam what brought to your brain, when you realized we are all the same. It seems a gleam was brought to your heart, when you realize.. we were never, ever, ever apart...

I ask you to smile now dear reader, even if you don't want to.. see what it will do. You may have a long day ahead, and it fills you with dread. But why focus on then, when you can be here now instead?

I ask you dear reader to look to the heavens.. whatever that means for you, maybe you could go outside and observer what we call the night sky or the early morning sunrise. Or maybe dear reader you could close your eyes, really close them and not focus on letting everything go to sleep, but see what happens when you allow yourself to wander, wander in your mind.

You see my friend, you are taking the baby steps on awakening yourself to eternity. Embolden yourself, you have been told you are nothing for the short handful of years on this plane. This is the challenge of life, to break our of those chains! And not by act of rebellion, nor by any act necessarily, you can bridge this gap, only momentarily... But why does this bliss fade? Why can't we be forever in these states? And I tell you dear reader, you allow too much on your plate. Step back, breathe.. congregate and relate. There is much to learn.. about the changing of your mental state!

Outer space is not so far, it's as close as the closest star, who is you and your soul, your mind and body still grow. And as we feed the earth, the soil, dirt and mirth. We bind our understanding, of our mortal birth. Alas we are one, under what we call a sun, a diving light from God, sent not from afar or beyond. For you have many messengers near you, eager for your next move, so choose it wisely dear Starseed, because there is so much, to loose.

Our frontal cortex has been attacked! It's been convexed and hacked. Our mind was fragile, and now it's still. A dormant repulsion, dependent on a pill. But refrain your strains, oh inpatient child, and remember these things that ail you.. are only mild. For within you lies a cord, an electrical sort of ward, that never grows dim, for its your sword, the word of the Lord! We sing and we praise, for the alpha and omega.. well he has no days, nor does he fray he doesn't go astray, he has been with us, from the beginning of our days. Speak with yourself, do not be afraid, your minds a bookshelf, and your yet to turn the page...

-Vulfian Transmission

StarSeed Channel: Paledian V:633

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