Dear Soul of Blinding Light

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My soul my soul how great it is to be, in this land of Multitude by ways of Grace and Harmony.

Through the fields that grow Green or under skies that sing Grey, there was always inside you the Brightest shine of the Brightest day.

Lest by the sun and the moon you see a holy light so bright, with knowing it's grace a holy and pure sight.

By the love you have shown and by the grace you have sewn, upon a web in this day and no longer I shall groan.

Oh soul oh soul, my kindest known soul, by our honest compact, I no longer sorrow with toll.

For the debt has been paid, in loving of Thyself, not by ways of fortune, false triumph or wealth.

So cheers dearest profit, from new days to old, this is merely the beginning, of a new story untold.

The Violet Colored Velvet Cloak

Dear to the Soul of Blinding Light, when all things come anew. There will be no more heartache or of tarnished things to stew.

For the mind wins all battles, one that knows it's own song. For the mind that loves itself, shall live all the long.

Lest we toil with heartache, or become trapped in a snare, by words of your wisdom, all guides have proven fair.

And by the ways of the spirit, and the binding of time, there from here and unto the firmament, a new light divine.

So hallow thy victory, when the greyed eyes didn't see, but great is the day, through toil and tranquility.

And with nature's great song, a new chorus is written, by the blinding light you guide, and for by purity, it is written.

Say hail to thyself, and thy loved ones abroad, through the grey clouds lost and forsaken, we still hear thee O God.

And the souls last harp, was eternally strung, and bound by a chasm of beauty to sing to dimmed spirits old and young.

And then thunder comes rolling, while through golden fields I was strolling, shall I run from it's presence? Or embrace its natural essence.

For its by you thee hast shown freedom! By the soul cannot be tamed, or tarnished or mocked, or fueled by sorrow and blame.

So I thank thee once more, in a song that is old and new, lest we toil anymore, know the remedy is me and you.

Oh soul by blinding light, an eternal fortunate tale, has never been oft to blinded, to break and pierce the veil.


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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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