Who Do You See...

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Who do you see...
In your dreams?

Who pops into your head,
When you hear that song?
Who makes your breath catch,
Every time you see them?

Maybe you've sought them...
Once before,
Perhaps not...
That is for you to know.

Who makes you smile,
No matter how you feel?
Who laughs with you,
Or maybe at you...
All in good fun?

Who's hand do you seek,
To guide you through...
Who's voice do you hear,
That makes you smile...

To ask again...
Isn't frowned upon.
Sometimes minds change,
But, if they do not.
Remember...new dreams,
Can emerge.

Take the risk...
Go, seek the one in your dreams.

KJJ Woodles (Poems) Volume 1: TornWhere stories live. Discover now