Author's Note and Story Description

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A/N: Hellllooo! So, as you can tell, I LOVE Sasusaku ❤️❤️ This is like, my third story of them, but unlike my other two, this doesn't start out from when they're genins. Oh no. This is going to be a very mature book with some mature scenes (😏😏😏) and so I am writing this during the blank period, except in this story it lasts a little longer, so they're about 17 here.

So, hopefully you enjoy! Also, if you love this ship as much as I do, check out my other two Sasusaku stories called "Ocean of Blood and Fire" and "Second Chances".

*Ahem* anyway! Please vote and comment, and PLEASE, any constructive criticism and/or writing tips are EXTREMELY appreciated, as long as you're not mean 🥺🫶. JK I couldn't care less 🤪 hehe...

Also, y'all's random comments are hilarious lmao. I loooovvveee reading them, so feel free- no, feel ENCOURAGED, to blow up my notifications 🤣

One last thing. This is loosely based off of a fanfic I read that I loved the idea of but I wanted to expand on, so credits for my inspiration go to firooz.

So jump in, and let me know what y'all think <3


Sasuke Uchiha was gone. Naruto Uzumaki was gone. Sakura Haruno was alone, and Konahagure would never be the same.

Tsunade was working nonstop as Hokage, and Kakashi was being sent out on one dangerous mission after another. Sakura was kept busy at the hospital, being the best medic- save her mentor and current Hokage- in the village. But at night, the loneliness crept in, and Sakura fell asleep staring at her team picture every night.

One day, however, Orochimaru appears in the village for a strange request: he needs a medic. A good one. In fact, he needs the best one. He needs Sakura.

Reluctantly, a deal is formed with Orochimaru's former teammate, Tsunade, to take Sakura Haruno away to his lair to help him heal his arms for the span of one year in exchange for a guarantee of her safety and the promise to help rid Konoha of the Akatsuki. Sakura readily agrees- if it means protecting her friend and her home, she would do anything.

But when she comes face to face with her old teammate, one who she never really stopped loving despite her efforts, Sakura realizes that maybe her home isn't a place, but it was a person all along.






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