Succubus + Incubus: NSFW

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A/N: I want more feedback on my writing but I feel like this one isn't my best-- still, I would greatly appreciate it if anyone had any pointers or if you noticed something inconsistent/odd, I'd appreciate the bluntness!

Word Count: 4900

Synopsis: It's feeding time for your incubus and succubus roommates. Too bad they can't seem to keep you asleep this time.

Incubus X GN Reader X Succubus

CW: Heavy NSFW content, noncon, incubus/succubus, somnophilia, penetration, oral(succubi recieving)

So humid... So insufferably hot. June nights were almost as scorching as Hell itself. If you were lucky, a good breeze would blow in from the open windows while you slept, only to awaken in the buzzing morning slightly sticky with sweat and a damp scalp.

Even for the unholiest creatures, the warm season was not the most suitable environment for hunting prey. For demons of lust however, mortals were far more susceptible to the abilities of the inhuman; easily aroused, easy to manipulate and tempt with the idea of a cooling touch.

You were so unfortunate to have two roommates from Hell, the creates that went bump in the night, lurking at the edge of your bed. Their intentions far more ghastly than the disfigured shadows that followed them, shedding their human husks of unusually beautiful people, explained by ungodly deception bestowed upon them from birth in the underworld. Your male roommate, red like hellfire, glowed a burgundy with black eyes that could steal your soul. Your female roommate was akin to a demon of the dark, black skin blending into the shadows of your room, a deep contrast when she gripped your skin.

Contorting talons and claws scraped across the hardwood floor of your shared apartment, leaving indented streaks as they silently approached your snuggled body. Large horns and animalistic tails made them appear all the more beastly when pulling the white warm bedsheets off their unsuspecting sleeping beauty: you, who tempted them with each dreamy mumble. Your body was a feast on a ritual altar, fully displayed with an arm tucked under a pillow and the other sprawled out, your legs twisted in a position only a sleeping person could find comfortable.

You looked absolutely ravenous, delightfully delectable as an old pair of shorts barely clothed your hips from a night of tossing and turning, nightshirt pulled up to expose your stomach to the balminess of the room.

Yes, it was certainly a sight for a lust demon to behold. The tense hunger in the room was cut in two by the whine of a stomach.

"Man I wanna eat--"

"I swear to satan him-fucking-self Gabriel,"

You turned away at the sound, unconsciously rolling to lay on your arm as you dug deeper under the thin sheets.

"Do you have the capacity to shut up, or are you too stupid?!" Liz, your succubus roommate whisper-screamed.

"But I'm starvingguh," Gabriel quieted his voice to match Liz's tone, rubbing his scalp. "It's you're fault we're feeding so late, should've put em to sleep earlier--"

"I didn't get a chance because I was cleaning up YOUR mess-- you know what, it's not worth wasting my feeding time over," Liz shoved her incubus counterpart out of the way, sliding onto the edge of the bed. "I get first dibs."

"But that's unfair," Gabriel started with a grumble, about to pull Liz away from her crouched position.

The daemon dragged your sleep-heavy feet before he could reach her, snatching your limp body from the comfort of heated pillows. A small groan left your tight, chapped lips, neck slick with sweat as you uncomfortably tossed and turned.

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