Chapter 5

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Could Luke be any more fucking stupid? Me and Asher had to pull him off of Jackson for shit talking his sister. Apparently he was saying some nasty shit. His beating was completely justified, but coach is going to kill us once he sees Jackson's black eye Monday, especially since our first game with a fucking ivy was Monday too.

"Next time don't fuck his face ok Luke?" I say sitting on his bed as he cleans up his knuckles in the sink.

"What else was I supposed to do? He was being a complete ass about Lola" he wipes his hand on a towel and bandages it up.

"Oh crap, she's staying over and she doesn't have anything, no toothbrush, clothes, nothing" he walks out of his bathroom and bats his eyelashes at me, oh fuck.

"Could ya help her out? Please?" He practically begs me. He's my best friend, I can't say no.

"Fuck, ok fine"

"Thanks! I'm pretty sure she's outside, have fun!" He said in a sing-song voice as he pushed me out of his room. I make my way to the living room, expecting to see a mess, but no not a plastic red cup in sight, no spilt food, or barf or evidence anyone made-out anyone. No evidence there was even a party. Damn what kind of clean fairy sprinkled shit over this place. Then I see a tall figure washing dishes across from me. Lola, of course.

"You didn't have to do this you know?" I say making my way over to her to help her. "I had nothing else to do, it's fine" she gives a soft smile and puts a plate on the drying rack. Since she's finished I sit on the couch grabbing the remote and she sits next to me.

"What do you wana watch?" I turn to look at her.

"What the heck, one minute you literally walk away and now you wanna know what I wanna watch?" She furrows her brown, genuinely curious and not a smidge of attitude that all the other girls I invited over had. I guess she has a point, I was pretty cold to her, but that's just how I am, sometimes, it's complicated.

"Fine, don't watch anything." I put the remote down and stormed out into my room, slamming the door. I don't know what happened, I snapped.


"Fuck" I whisper to myself, it's been about an hour since I left Lola there, now the guilt is hitting me. I finally get the courage to walk out the door and see Lola laughing on the couch watching a movie with Asher beside her. She's wearing one of his tee-shirts, what the fuck, since when were they a thing?

I know he lives here too, but does he really have to be here? "Hey Zach, wana join us?" He yells ushering me to sit next to him. "Nah I was just gonna get water" I walk over to the kitchen, and glance at the stove, it's 1:30 I mean Friday so no classes, but still it's late as fuck.

"Alright Imma turn in now, night Zach!" Asher yells, I wave but not turning around. "Night Chucklehead" Chucklehead? Who the fuck was he calling Chucklehead? I heard all the other guys say chucklehead allot but I never found out who's nickname it was. Then I heard a laugh and I turn to see Lola, it's her? Chucklehead? If he has a nickname for her then I want one for her too.

"Why you wearing his shirt?" I asked her after Asher left.

"He offered and I'm not going sleep in my already dirty clothes." She's got a point, I took a shower after the party ended, too much perfume on me.

"Come, take one of mine" I say walking upstairs. My room was the biggest since I'm the captain and all. In total there was 6 bedrooms for each of us starter. Luke's parents bought the place so it's loaded with expensive stuff and it's maybe so we host parties all the time.

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