Chapter 9

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I was back, back with the boys, back in the Harvard deep maroon red. Back where I belong. Back with the starting six of the Harvard Crimsons, not just my boys but the whole team was chatting with me. Damn it felt good.

"Guys showgirls here!" Oli shouted in a sing-song voice, loud enough so the team could hear but not that loud the whole bar could hear. Everyone on the team knew who I was, and I knew who they were. We were all friends and they even threw me a going away party. We all caught up and they each asked me a few questions about Boston U, but they knew me well enough to know that I missed Harvard. Every time I glance down to the sown bolded words on their Harvard hoodie I miss my 'Harvard Psychology' hoodie.

Everyone in Boston U takes their sports more seriously than their studies, whereas everyone in Havrard takes school more important than sports. The bar is filled with athletes either in their jerseys or a hoodie that says Boston U than their sports after. Harvard kids however would have Harvard than their major after. The only reason the hockey team were to get so far was because they could easily strategize and pick the weakest player. Not to mention they didn't take the game as seriously as everyone else, which allowed them to have a clear head.

These boys were my home. We were closer than the rest of the girls. Now that they were here I found the fun outgoing side of my I hadn't seen in such a long time.

"You miss us yet showgirl?" I turned around and saw my 6'3 goalie, although he wasn't my goalie anymore, Luca was. "Mmmmmm" I tapped my finger on my chin pretending to think "now that I'm thinking about it" everyone in red started to quiet down and lean into what I was saying "I don't miss you guys one bit!" I exclaimed with a laugh at the end. They all groaned, rolled their eyes and let out a small laugh.

"Well we missed you" someone stepped out, although he was hard to miss seeing as he was 6'6.

"Well if it isn't captain Benny Larson"

"The one and only" he took a bow, attempting not to spill his beer but someone pushed him so he stumbled into me. "Whoops, hehe, slipped" Ace said with a grin on his face but it quickly dropped as I rolled my eyes and he laughed. There was a rumor that Benny liked me freshmen year but I'm sure it's all that was, a rumour. I doubt he would like me in a romantic way but the boys would think otherwise.

"Hey look, Benny fell for Lola" Someone in red exclaimed. At that I rolled my eyes again.

"I'm starting to remember why I don't miss you guys" i said 'dont' louder so everyone heard me. When I glimpsed at the other end of the bar, I saw Juli downing what looks like almost three shots, five was her limit and I don't plan on carrying her home.

"Boys, it's been nice but I've gotta run, someone's about to get too drunk." They all boo'd me as I left,  wish I could stay longer and talk to all of them but Juli was on her fourth shot. "You coming to the game tomorrow?" Oli shouted, stopping me in my tracks, I just remembered. Luke begged me to go to his game to see how good Boston U is seeing as they were going against an undefeated ivy. That's why they were here, Harvard was the undefeated ivy. I felt so stupid it had slipped my mind but all I could say was

"So you're the team who's supposedly going to get crushed?" A couple of laughs, scoffs and sarcastic gasps filled the air but before I could say anything else Ethan yelled.

"Who's said it's us getting crushed?" Everyone laughed at that, including me who shrugged my shoulders. He was a goalie who prided himself on his skills, for good reason too, he was good and seeing as he was going to be a surgeon his movements were sharp and precise.

"So you'll go?" Oli said being serious. It's the first time I've heard his serious tone.

"Yeah, I'll go." A hint of sadness touched my words as I said that, it felt like the end of an era, my friends and I used to dress up in all red to cheer for the team but now I  was wearing other colors. The boys heard the sadness in my voice and a few of their eyes lowered, also reminiscing in our good times. "Red! Red!" I said at the top of my lungs trying to lighten up the depressing mood I'd created. They all raised their glasses and yelled "Crimson red!" I laughed as I headed over to five shots Juli. This was when she would spill all her secrets.


"There's my best friend in the whole wide world!" Juli's words slurred as she almost lost her balance when she hugged me. "That's me!" I hugged her back.

"There's something so important I have to tell you" her wolds slurred again. "Ok drunkie in the morning? You're on the verge of collapse and I'm strong but not that strong to carry you back to our apartment" she stood up straight and looked offended I called her a drunkie. I turned around and leaned down so I could hear what she was saying over all the drinking and music playing. My ear was beside her mouth as she started speaking.

"So basically......I um..... I saw Zach right, I was keeping an eye on him for you and to see if he was worthy of you, right" I nodded, drunk Juli made her stories longer than they needed to be. "I saw that asshole grab some random girl in the crowd and kissed her, like full on make out. I'm sorry Hun" her words stung, hearing that Zach kissed another girl. Maybe I read the signals wrong but I thought he was into me, i mean he gave me his shirt that has to count for something right? But he made out with some random girl struck a cord in me, I felt something sour in the bottom of my stomach, jealously?

I could be jealous. I thought he was really into me, the guys were saying he never let anyone even look at his shirt. I thought we had a connection or something the other night when he was talking about his family and how he was excited when he got accepting into Boston U. Maybe he did that with every girl, maybe he had different tee-shirts that he would say "it looks good on you" giving them butterflies, maybe I wasn't as special as I thought I was. That he gave those same butterflies to every girl.

I saw that asshole grab some random girl in the crowd and kissed her, like full on make out. Her words rang in my head. Why was I so obsessed over this? He doesn't like me like that, he probably doesn't even like me and I don't like him. Right?

"Oh, well, um that's fine I wasn't interested in him anyway, he probably hates me" I said trying to keep my voice steady, God why was I on the verge of tears over a guy I didn't know.

"Shots anybody?" Luke's voice rang loudly through the bar. I raised my hand and made direct eye contact with my brother. Surprised flickered his face but he grinned and poured three shots. I drank them all, I could hold my liquor I knew that, Luke knew that, Juli knew that but everyone else didn't know that because they all looked at my as their jaw hig the floor. Zach doesn't mean anything to me, I read too much into his 'signals' I wasn't special, I knew that now.

"Y'all going to keep staring at me or are you going to pick your jaws off the floor and drink!?" I yelled, they all cheered after that. I took two more shots then took Juli home. I couldn't end off on four shots because in Chinese four means death. I'm fine with being drunk, not dead.

Damn, that was alot

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