Chapter one

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In the bustling streets of Diagon Alley, Hermione navigated her way to the pet shop Magical Menagerie. She had one mission: a pet. Preferably an owl, since her friends Harry and Ron had them too. To be honest Rons was a very old family owl but he had one, sending letters to her and Harry but she always had to go the next post office- which was in the Diagon Alley.

When entering the store Hermione was overwhelmed, there were cages everywhere on every free space on the wall. Her eyes wander around, eyeing the variation of animals until some red fur caught her eye. An orange cat- it looked pretty old and no one paid attention to it or bothering to look in its direction. "He has been here for quite some time." A soft voice said next to her. Following that tone she looks to her right to find a elderly woman. "No one wants that poor things." She continued. "I want him." She said without missing a beat. Even though she came for an owl, she could feel that this was the right decision. The elder woman took Hermione to cage, letting Hermione and the cat get to know each other. "He is a half Kneazle. That is why no one wants him. Half Kneazle only have half of the magical abilities than a full Kneazle does." "Does it have a name?" Hermione asks patting the half Kneazle in her arms. "He was once named Crookshanks." Nodding she takes her new pet to the counter to pay.

"I also need a medicine for a rat." "Buying a half-cat-half-kneazle but already having a rat? That poor rat." The woman says. "It's my friends rat, he said that it looked ill."

"Poor thing." The witch said.

"My friend went to vacation with the rat and ever since it looks like it lost colour."Hermione tries to explain the problem even though she doesn't even know exactly what was wrong with Scabbers.
"How old is the rat?" The witch asks.

"I don't really know," Hermione answers truthfully. "It was once his brothers rat, definitely older than 5 years." The witch nods, looking deep in thought.

"What kind of powers does it have?"

"None. It is a garden rat."

"And you said older than five years?" Hermione nods. "House and garden rats don't get older than three years. It is probably dying or something. Nothing much I can do about it." She shrugs her shoulders and pushes the cage with the half kneazle towards Hermione.

"Could you at least give me something?" The older witch reaches under the table and hand her vial with medicine. "Thanks." Hermione said and pays for both. Stepping out the noise changes from the shrieking animals to the excited chatter from the streets. It was the last day of summer break and everyone is doing their last minute shopping. Just as she was passing by some shops, she notices the white blonde hair and a raven black head. They are standing in front of Ollivanders wand shop.

"How is that any of your concern?" The voice from the Black haired asks. "It really isn't, I just can't stand seeing you disgracing the pure blood like you do." He replies. "You know that buying all of this will not give you any of the magic, right?" Her hand clutches the necklace around her neck, trembling out of anger. Hermione noticed. The scene before Hermione wasn't a rare situation, it was like if there was her there was also always a bully. a bully that was most of the time-

"Draco Malfoy!" Hermiones sharp voice echos between the small shops. "I can not believe you're still treating your fellow classmate like that." She comes to an halt next to the black haired girl. "You really can not let other live their life for 5 minutes." She huffs, so done with Draco Malfoys antics. He wanted to answer, provoked by her stern look, but didn't get the chance to as a big heavy hand lands on Hermiones shoulder pushing her away. She stumbles until she trips over her own feet and falls into Malfoys direction. Luckily still able to catch herself and prevent herself from falling into the boy she has just scolded. The person shoving her was the girls uncle, she was unfortunate enough to have already met him. Without losing a word the man drags the girl away with a strong grip around her wrist. The girl sends one last grateful look to Hermione before continuing to stumble after her uncle. "What in Merlins name just happened." Hermione whispers, her mind racing. Her eyes wander to the boy next to her, who also witnessed what has happened. His eyes still follow the girl and the man, much less hatred in them as before. Which couldn't be right, Draco Malfoy was not one to worry, especially about a girl who is a Squib. Taking a step away from him she notices his hand, it was stuck out like he was ready to catch her if he needed to. Not making a comment about that would be best, she decides.

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