Chapter 2

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- I'm exhausted ! complained Yura, as she collapsed onto the grass, breathing heavily. 

The training was coming to an end, and the Chunins were worn out. 

- Great work today, complimented Asuma, brushing dirt off his pants. Shikamaru, your shadow manipulation skills are impressive. You'll soon surpass your father if you keep going like this. 

Shikamaru smirked from the tree trunk where he was sitting.

- Choji, you're improving every day. Keep up the good work, and your expansion jutsu will be perfect. As for you, Yura...

The young girl looked up, knowing all too well what he was about to say.

- You're doing well, but I always feel like you're holding back, like you're not tapping into your full potential... Don't be afraid. I'm your sensei; you won't hurt me even if you use all your strength, I promise, he joked.

Yura smiled timidly and glanced up at the sky. Holding back, huh... If only he knew. She wished she could use more strength, more chakra, but she knew all too well that she couldn't. 

And for one very simple reason...

- Hey, Yura, Shikamaru, said Choji as he stood up. Want to grab lunch together? I'm starving.

The two shinobi were on their feet in an instant. With only an apple in her stomach, Yura was already salivating at the thought of lunch. Training like that truly worked up an appetite.

- The last one there pays the bill! shouted the young ninja as she sprinted towards the village.

- Hey, wait up! grumbled Shikamaru, standing up quickly. 

In the end, the so proud Yura arrived last, dragging her feet to the restaurant.

- That's not fair. You guys took a shortcut, she complained as she entered the place. 

- Rules are rules. You came last, you pay. Hmm, I can already taste the delicious food, right, Choji? Shikamaru laughed. 

The two chuckled as Yura rolled her eyes, heading towards a table to sit down.

- Hey, Shikamaru! Choji! Yura! Echoed a voice in the establishment. The three turned to see, sitting a few meters away, the entire Team 8.

- Ohh ! Hi, friends ! smiled Yura, rushing over to them.

Sitting at table were Hinata Hyuga, Shino Aburame, and Kiba Inuzuka, accompanied by his faithful Akamaru.

- Oh my god, Akamaru, have you grown again? exclaimed the young kunoichi as she petted the adorable white dog. 

- He should reach his adult size soon, explained Kiba, smiling. Glad to see you guys ! How was training ?

- Tiring, as usual, grumbled Choji as he sat down on the bench next to Shino. 

Yura shrugged. 

- Asuma-sensei's been pushing us extra hard, lately. He seems tense these days. 

- Same for us, sighed Kiba. Feels like all the senseis in Konoha are stepping up their game lately. I wonder why.

The others nodded silently, and the three friends from Team 10 buried their heads into their menus. Once their orders were placed, they slouched back in their seats.

- Hey, did you guys hear the news? asked Kiba after taking a bite of his lamb skewer. Apparently, Naruto is coming back soon.

Yura nearly choked on her water. 

- Naruto, really ? exclaimed Shikamaru. Well ! It's been a while since we've last seen him, that's for sure.

Shino nodded knowingly. 

- Almost three years now since he left to train with Jiraya-sensei.

Yura, barely listening to the conversation, had a blissful smile on her face. 

Naruto. Naruto was finally coming back !

Naruto, like Shikamaru, was one of her closest friends. Although she had a lot in common with the young brown-haired ninja, Naruto was... well. Like her twin. They were similar in many ways, and understood each other better than anyone else. And for one very specific reason...

- Oi, Yura! You're lost in thought. Is Naruto's return getting to you? Teased Choji.

The young girl quickly snapped out of it and vigorously shook her head.

- What  do you think ! Of course I'm excited to see Naruto again! It's been so long...

- Oh! Does someone have a little crush... gently mocked Kiba.

Yura rolled her eyes.

- Me, a crush on Naruto? Don't be ridiculous. He's one of my closest friends, that's all. You should ask Hinata instead...

The already blushing girl turned bright red, and everyone burst into laughter. The entire village knew about Hinata's deep admiration and affection for Naruto... except for the man himself, actually.

They all had a good time all together, and when it was time to pay, Yura pulled out her pocket money without complaining, and they left the restaurant.

- Well. I think I'm going to head home, announced Choji after saying goodbye to their Team 8 friends.

- Same here, I promised my dad I'd help him with something today, Shikamaru said.

Yura nodded. It was time to part ways for today. They would go back to their families, and she... well...

- See you later, guys, she said, smiling widely and waving to them.

The two boys smiled back, returning her wave, and set off towards their respective homes, leaving Yura alone in front of the restaurant.

- Well, it's time for me to head home too, she thought as she started walking in the opposite direction.

Most days were relatively similar in Konoha when they weren't on missions outside the village. Fortunately, an expedition was planned for not too long from now, to the Land of Rivers. They were tasked with escorting a businessman from one village to another.

"Finally something interesting", the young ninja grinned. 

But what she didn't know was that this peaceful routine she despised, this boring daily life she longed to escape, was about to change.

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