Chapter 42. Back home, for the weekend.

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Saturday morning

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Saturday morning. You wake up tangled in your sheets, headphones in, phone next to your pillow in 47%. Must've fell asleep on your phone.

At least it was a good recharging sleep, since training day after day continuously, and early doesn't make sleep as comfortable as you'd wish.

You shouted your Alexa to shuffle play your fav artist (shuffling queen of England Amy Winehouse rn🤞) while you started to getting everything for your shower ready.  (I love showering guys whole self care routine)

You grabbed your shower basket, since now you had to go over to the shared showers instead of just having one in your room, you would have to carry everything with you and you didn't want to just web everything together.

Your hair still in the messy bun you'd slept in, and left your room and began walking to the girls showers, not wanting to talk to anyone as you'd just woken up and wanted to get ready to see your aunt nem.

"Oh Goodmorning y/n! How'd you sleep?" The bright and cheerful voice of izuku,

You nodded at him and shortly replied "good. Why are you so awake?" You asked, rubbing your face as you woke up a little more,

"Uh.. maybe because it's almost half 12." He chuckled.

Your face dropped. "Oh shit. Can't talk, later 'zuku." You're supposed to meet aunt nem at 1:30.

You sped up your pace and went to the showers. While setting your things down you shot a web at the shower handle turning it on and you got undressed as the shower began to run.

Nobody was in there which was good, I mean everybody was probably doing their own thing on a Saturday.

And just as you stepped under the running water, you almost screamed not expecting the freezing cold water, looking at the handle and twisting it to your normal temperature.

"Y/n you okay in there? I heard your scream?!" You heard izuku shout from the other side.

You quietly chuckled to yourself, before replimg,

"I'm fine Izuku don't worry." You said, trying not to laugh,

"..oh, uh.. okay, we'll just shout if you need me."

After doing your thang in the shower you went to get your clothes, and of course you forgot them, quickly you wrapped in your shower robe, grabbed your things and ran to your dorm, not caring if izuku saw you because you were probably wasting enough time.

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