Jamjaiden fluff

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(A/N: Why have shipping wars when they can all date each other? I swear im obsessed with them. Mention of making out!)

Toms pov:

James was at his sister's house, and Aiden and Jake went shopping for new clothes. I was all alone. I decided to suprise them.

I recently bought a new suit, no special reason, but today I wanted.ti wear it. I had been planning a date night for a while, and tonight was the night.

I was i the bathroom getting ready. Jake and Aiden got home, and to my suprise, James was with them. "Tom, dear, where are you?" James asks.

"I'm in the bathroom, I'll be out I a minute." I say. I forgot to lock the door, so I made sure it was. I was pretty nervous because they hadn't seen me like this before.

After a while, I get out and walk downstairs.

James pov:

Aiden, Jake, and I are all sitting in the living room, just chatting about our days. All of a sudden, Tom walks in. He's wearing a suit, and damn he looks good in it.

"Wow." We all say.

He walks towards us. "So.. date night?"

"Yes." I say, as I kiss him.
"You look so good!" Aiden says.
"Yeah, you do." Jake agrees.

"Better get into your best outfits." He says.

"We will."

Jake's pov:

I look in my closet. "I don't have anything good to wear." I say.

"Oh, you probably do." Aiden says. "Let me have a look."

He grabs some black pants, a pink shirt, and a black jacket because it's pretty cold.

For himself, he gets some white pants, a red shirt, and a white jacket.

"You look great, love." I say

"Thanks, you look great too." He says. He then kisses me.

"Let's go to the others." I say.

Aidens pov:

We get to the others. James is also wearing a suit, like Tom.

"You guys look so beautiful." They say.

"Thank you." Jake and I say.

Tom and I share a kiss, and so do James and Jake.

"Let's go." Tom says, getting the car keys.

Toms pov:

We all get in the car, I drive this time. (A/N: All of them have a driver's license.)

Aiden and James are in the back, taking pictures of each other, and Jake is next to me, in charge of the music.

Bubblegum bitch by Marina starts playing. All of us are screaming the lyrics. Of course I keep my eyes on the road.

After a while, we get to the restaurant. It's pretty fancy.

Aidens pov:

We get inside and get a table for 4. We all sit down.

The waiter gets to our table.

"Hello, what can I get you? Wait..  aren't you the guys from that one tv show? I think it's called Disventure Camp?"

"Yeah, we are." I reply. "Oh wow, I loved you guys! Anyways, what can I get for you?"

"Just a water." I say. "I would like a beer." James said. "I want a coke." Jake says. "I would like a beer too." Tom said.

"Okay, I'll be back soon."

Jake's pov:

After a bit, we get our drinks. We ordered out food as well. Aiden got Pasta, James got some beef, Tom got chicken with fries, and I got pizza.

"Jesus Tom.." Aiden says. "You reay ordered chicken with fries? How old are you?" Aiden asks. James and I laugh.

"Hey! I don't know, I don't like anything else!"

We finish our food. Tom pays, and we get home. Aiden drives this time

James pov:

Tom and I are in the back, Aiden drives, and Jake is next to him.

Tom is asleep next to me. I take pictures of him to send to the others.

"It's very quiet in the back. I expected more noise." Aiden says. "Tom is asleep." I say. "Awh, he looks so peaceful."

"Right? I wish I could sleep like that." Jake says. "Oh, but you already do sometimes." James says.

After 5 minutes, we arrive home. "Let me get Tom, you guys can go." James says. "Okay." I say.

Jake and I get inside. "Wanna watch some Netflix?" I ask.

"Sure." He takes place on the couch. I lay on top of him. He blushes at this.
"I see someone's getting flustered." I kiss him.

We made out for a good 20 minutes before James came back into the living room.

"What were you 2 doing?" James says. "Oh, uhm, we made out." Jake said. "Sad, I wasn't here to watch you guys." He says.

Jake and I blush at this, as James gives both of us a kiss.

"Where is Tom?" I ask.

"Oh, I put him to bed." He shows a picture of him laying in bed, asleep.

"How does he look so cute when sleeping?" Jake asks.

"I was wondering the same thing." I say.

"We should head to bed too." James says.

"Yeah." Jake says.

"Fine." I say.



- Sander, 840 words

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