1: a bad feeling

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"Greene! You're both out." Veneer perked up as he sat on his bottom bunk in his cell, his cell mate which happened to be his sister let out a sigh after all they've been in here for almost a complete decade, 7 whole years since they were imprisoned when they were 19.

However, it was not for their trollnapping scheme to become famous, oh no Mount Rageous was very forgiving towards Velvet's almost inhumane treatment of their miniature prisoner after Veneer blasted the two of them on the ginormous plasma screens.

Instead, it was their huffing of his essence that the law had deemed illegal and had gotten them in serious trouble with the law. Now at the pretty age of 26 Veneer and Velvet were being released from prison. Veneer hopped up excited to finally get back into Rageon society and re-fix his hair back into It's usual quiff instead of the messy bedhead he now held.

With a giggle at Velvet's eye roll, both twins stood at the bars gripping onto them excited for freedom since Prison wasn't necessarily a great place but everyone was decent and typically stayed in their own lane only stepping out when heated fights broke out.

Mount Rageous prison had strict rules and procedures against too much crime happening on both prisoners and the CO's. So many of the officers were stripped of having too much power and were weaponized with a taser that only paralyzed prisoners for up to 13 minutes max; just long enough to restrain and lock them in their cells with cameras on them the whole time.

So essentially The CO's were babysitters with moody antisocial children being put in time out rather than being actual officers.

That Veneer was grateful for especially since their fame with them still being loved despite their misdeeds had gotten them a cushiony spot in the best one. Velvet agreed with her brother as they could've gotten shacked up in a much more crummier prison with loose unholy morals, so she couldn't disagree that their stay in prison was a decent one.

Plus they were allowed to remain in their cells unless it was for food, showers or commissary. Unlike his sister however, Veneer left their mutually shared cell to make friends, play chess and explore the library the prison offered their prisoners.

Him bouncing and dipping on any personal time with her definitely helped Velvet cool down her anger towards him as if he too remained in the cell with her nonstop she probably would've ended up killing him with her bare hands.

The pale greenish skinned guard came up and brought up his key ring, Velvet buzzing with excitement as the keys clanked together glimmering in the dim fluorescent light while he fumbled around looking for the right one to their enclosure.

As soon as the key twisted and the guard pulled open the doors, Velvet and Veneer practically flew like bats out of hell out of their cell and into the long cold corridor of the prison eager to begin anew.

The male twin jumped as Velvet held his hand and strolled the halls with their chins high as they were the infamous tantalizing singing duo of Velvet and Veneer, they were still superstars despite the massive shove out of the spotlight and the public's favor.

Velvet absentmindedly ran her claws with chipped red polish still clinging to life on them along the stone walls while Veneer happily tugged her along. The scratching of her nails against the smooth stone reverberated through the echoing silence calmed her down from the rattling silence of the halls as everyone was down having lunch right now.

Velvet was happy and content especially now as many of the trolls had forgiven her and even made her an enchanted amulet so she could become a singer once more, without harming another one of their kind for her career.

However despite her calm and fully tamed temper, she still held a boiling hot resentment within her heart for her brother, with out he completely outed them for all of Mount Rageous to witness, then shipped off to the same exact prison.

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