2: a secured passenger princess

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Crimp felt her heart go spinning around her ribcage like a merry go round while she stopped the car for the umpteenth time as Veneer needed to pee again.

She felt like a weirdo as she nervously glanced over to see Veneer humming while he urinated on a dead tree in the abandoned forest near the Bergen golf course, His head of lime green hair bobbing to an imaginary beat of a song while he conducted his business.

She didn't want to keep looking at him in such an intimate way but the troll had blackmailed her in order to make sure Veneer didn't run away.

What might the reason be for that? Well she foolishly decided to start embezzling  funds from Velvet and Veneer for the last seven years while they were in Prison and had purposely messed up on the twins tax forms as to add on that extra petty charge of tax fraud and evasion.

She was stupid enough to let Floyd in on her little secret unaware of his lovesickness for Velvet's younger twin brother before he used the blade of betrayal and stuck it within in her spine, completely deciding to use her dirty secret against her for his own twisted fancy.

The troll threatened to expose her if she didn't do exactly as he said until he deemed her service satisfactory for him to keep his mouth shut about her petty crimes against the twin duo.

Especially since Velvet would absolutely back up his claims and show all the documents that proved that Crimp was legally in charge of their finances during their extremely short two months of fame.

Either way if she didn't obey Floyd and his schemes for the man she currently had to play babysitter to, she would end up in a prison of her own choosing and if she had to pick, Crimp preferred a cushiony place in the abandoned two story manor Floyd renovated over the 7 years, catering to Veneer beck and call again rather than a rotting prison cell where anything could happen.

She remembers how over the years she had worked for Floyd to wire money, set up bank accounts under false names, shopping for outfits that Veneer would like and create various tools to help the troll in his plot in shacking up with his previous co-kidnapper.

She had to create a collar like choker that would stun Veneer into unconsciousness if he crossed a certain invisible threshold and another one that changed Floyd's height to match Veneer's, officially turning him into a Rageon; adding extra emphasis on making sure he was taller than Veneer in this form.

Crimp theorized that Floyd needed to not only be able to physically overtake Veneer if necessary but the added height would intimidate him to not even try in the first place.

However that wasn't the real reason, the true cause of why the troll wanted to be the taller of the two was because he would be able to let Veneer hug him with ease and make the transition easier into the new era of their lives that included the two of them with no one else intervening.

Floyd certainly didn't want anyone especially Velvet to intrude on his delicate plan that included gradually luring Veneer into this new cushiony world with him.

Crimp on the other hand, kept thinking about all the devices she had to make such as a tracking chip so small that Veneer couldn't feel it in his bone thin ankle, a bangle that would inject a relaxing agent into Veneer's skin if his stress levels were too high and an anklet that would alert the tiny creature of any changes Veneer's physical and mental health.

Crimp felt her lip curl in displeasure as Floyd certainly was using her masters in engineering to the maximum as to make sure that they were subtle and stylish enough to convince Veneer to put them on willingly because once he placed them on, they would automatically lock into place until Floyd personally unlocked them.

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