Green with Evil: Part 5

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*My POV*

We were all still shocked to see that Tommy was the Green Ranger. "I can't believe that Tommy's the Green Ranger. There's got to be a mistake." I said as I didn't want to believe that the guy I have a crush on is the Green Ranger. "Alpha, are you sure about this?" Jason asked. "The computer matched his interspatial biovibrations with the Green Ranger." Alpha explained.

"Yeah, but the computer's been under repair. Maybe it made a mistake." Zack said as we were all still staring at the viewing globe. "Not likely. Alpha corrected the malfunction." Billy said. "Then Tommy is the Green Ranger." Trini and Kimberly said. "How can Tommy do this to us?" Zack asked. 

"Rita must have cast a spell over Tommy controlling his mind." Alpha said. "We can't give up. We have to break Rita's spell. And save Tommy." Jason said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, being the twin brother he is. 

*3rd POV*

"To the destruction of Megazord!" Goldar said. "And total domination of Earth!" Rita said. "Cranberry and oyster juice." Baboo said as Rita took a sip before she started laughing. "And now, the end is near!" Rita said. "Yep, after today." Scorpina said. "It was all possible because of our Great Empress Rita.

"Yes." Scorpina said nodding. "But my brilliant plan continues. Are you ready for the fight?" Rita asked Goldar. "Yes. It was be an honor to help you conquer Earth." Goldar said and Rita began cackling like she always did. "Of course." Rita said. "Oh, this will be so good." Squatt said happily as he drank the drink. 

*My POV*

"Oh! Rita will rule the world! She'll enslave mankind! She'll destroy the Command Center again!" Alpha said as he was pacing and we were watching. "Okay, Alpha, You've made your point." Zack said. "Then you'll reconsider?" Alpha asked. We all sighed and agreed. "We have to find Tommy and break Rita's spell. Let's split up and look for him." Jason said.

"What if he's at Rita's palace?" Kimberly asked. "Then we wait him out. He'll show up sooner or later." Billy said. "What about Zordon, Alpha?" Trini asked. "Green Ranger thought he got rid of him for good, but there's still a chance that I can bring Zordon back." Alpha said. "You keep working on that, Alpha. As for the rest of us, we'll find Tommy." Jason said

| At the Youth Center |

Ernie, Bulk and Skull were watching the TV where it showed Goldar destroying the city from the other day. I went up to the counter. "Hey, Ernie." I said softly. "Can you believe this is happening?" Ernie asked as I looked at the TV. "I know. It's terrible." I said. "Thank goodness for the Power Rangers." Ernie said and I smiled slightly.

"Hey. You should be thanking us." Bulk said. "Yeah, us." Skull said. "Yeah. We're the ones that helped the Power Rangers scare off that big ugly gold guy." Bulk said. "Right." I said rolling my eyes as Ernie and I looked at them. "Yeah, right. We're the ones that should be on TV." Skull said. "Yeah. On TV." Bulk said as he began daydreaming.

"Dream on, Bulk." I said to him before they just got back to doing what they were doing. I turned to Ernie. "Ernie, have you seen Tommy?" I asked. "The new kid, right?" Ernie asked. "Yes." I said quickly. "He's over there." Ernie said, and I turned to see Tommy. "Thanks." I said to him before walking away from the Juice Bar over to Tommy.

He was on a workout machine. "Tommy. Tommy, I know." I said, and Tommy slowly looked at me. "I know you're the Green Ranger." I said more quietly. Tommy let the weights down loudly. "Well, then, Purple Ranger, you should also know that you and the other Power Rangers will soon be destroyed." Tommy said.

"Let us help you. We can break Rita's spell." I said. "Rita is my Empress. She will soon rule the world." Tommy said getting up. "Tommy, please let us help you." I begged softly. "You have been warned." Tommy said as he pointed at me and I saw his eyes flash green. I stared after him as he walked off.

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