Tinky X Walten (request)

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This was requested by @lolabit052708

!SH warning!

"God what am I gonna do?..." Walten mumbles as he sits down at his desk. "What's wrong Mr. guardian?" The purple tubby asked as he stood up to hug the tubby who seemed down. "Nothing Tinky, don't worry about it." He said pushing it off with a smile. Tinky gave the tubby a sad and confused look. "Walzy..." Tinky said quietly putting his hand on his boyfriends shoulder. "Yes tink?" The other questioned spinning his chair to face tinky. "Can we lay down? I wanna cuddle with you." Tink said with a sad ish look on his face. " of course just let me finish up this paper work.

After Walten finished his paperwork he stood up and  laid down with the other tubby. "Is everything okay darlin?" The white tubby asked looking at the expression on tinkys face. "Nothing just in deep thought." He said. Walten looked down at the others arm noticing that there was bloody bandages on his wrist. "Tinky..." the purple tubby looked up at Walten with confusion. "You said you stopped..." Walten said grabbing the others wrist. "O-oh... um.. I'm s-sorry... I felt the urge and it just... happened..." Tinky said with a nervous tone. "Why didn't you tell me?..." Walten said. Tinkys eyes started to water, "I-I... I always see you overworking yourself and I didn't want you to feel even more stressed..." Tinky said as tears started rolling down his face. "Tinky you are my world, I can never be stressed from you. I just worry when you do stuff like this and don't tell me..." Walten said putting his hand on the others cheek. Walten rubs tinkys tears away and kisses the other on the forehead. "You need to rest, come cuddle close and relax." Walten said pulling Tinky closer. Tinky buried his head into Walten chest and closed his eyes. "I love you walzy..." "I love you too tink." Walten said rubbing tinkys head.

Sorry that this is so short this is my first time writing a story like this I hope you guys enjoy this, have a good day!

Word count: 352

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