Walten x Miles (request)

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Requested by:@Anne_Tubbie_pad

!sh warning! (Sorry I thought it would fit bc of waltens ptsd)

Miles was doing his daily nighttime check when he noticed Waltens office light was on. Not this shit again, miles huffed and opened the door to see Walten hovering over his desk with his arms covered in blood. "What the hell?..." Miles noticed that Walten was crying and shaking. Miles approached Walten and grabbed his arms making him turn around. Walten looked up at the slightly taller tubby as more tears started to flow out of his eyes. "D-did you do all of this?..." miles asked with worry in his tone. "I-...I'm so sorry..." Walten fell into miles arms and help into him tight ad he started to cry even more. Miles didn't know what to do, he just stood there as Walten kept repeating himself. "Walten everything is okay, just let me help you, okay?" Walten let go of miles and wiped his eyes. Miles grabbed bandages and cleaning alcohol and went back to waltens office. Walten was sitting on his bed staring at the floor, "give me your wrist..." miles said. Walten let miles take his arm and start to clean it, "I'm sorry..." Walten said again. "Walten I already told you it's okay. Just... why didn't you tell me?..." miles asked as he finished bandaging waltens wrist. "I-...I thought you wouldn't care and I didn't want to tell Anne because I knew she would get worried..." he said in return as miles say next to him on the bed. "Walten of course I would care, I don't hate you. It's just... sometimes I take things out on the wrong people, that's all..." miles says. Miles puts his hand on waltens back, why don't you lay down you need some rest. Miles stands up and tries to walk away but gets stoped when Walten grabs onto his arm, "please stay with me, I don't wanna be alone..." miles gave Walten a little smile and laid down with him, "just rest, you need it." He says rubbing waltens back as Walten drifted off into a deep sleep.

(Next day) 

Walten walked out of his office and into the kitchen to see miles making coffee. "Hey walz, how ya feeling?" Miles asked handing me a cup. "Um fine... did you make this for me?..." he asked curiously. "Yeah I thought it would help you, also I talked to Richard, me and you have the day off." Waltens eyes widened, "y-you did that for me?..." he asked shocked. "Of course you need to recover and I'll be with you every step of the way." He said taking waltens hand, Walten stood there in shock but then hugged miles. "Thank you so much..." he said. Miles wrapped his arms around him back, "im here for you and I always will be..."

Word count: 471

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